Where is He?

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A/N SHINOBU WOKE UP! GOD HAS WOKE HER UP! BUT GIYU'S RETURN IS STILL UNKNOWN! And also Graphic Details that will make you feel itchy and gross

Almost a Year after Giyu's Disappearance......

Kanae's POV

So it's almost a year after the incident and Shinobu still wasn't waking up.

The doctors said her case was severe and that she was lucky to even breath now.

But I still hoped she'd wake now, I just can't bare her looking like this.

I've never held a grudge towards Tomioka but this was still on him.

It's true that I did get angry at him but after the last words he said it made me feel guilty.

And until now he still didn't reach out, not even to his own family.

I know that he only needed time to think but spending almost a year with no trace made me feel bad for him.

But i couldn't judge the kid, he carried the burden of not just hurting her but also seeing everything unfold with his own eyes.

Anyone would be broken seeing someone close to them get hurt by their own mistakes, but he was an exception.

He didn't just cry and repent, he knew that staying would cause more harm so he did what he could and fled.

But I need to stop talking about him or I'll feel even worse.

So yeah it's been exactly 10 months since the Incident and nothing's been the same.

Shinobu's class nearly graduating excluding 'him' and Her.

Kanao is in her 2nd Year Highschool.

Mom and Dad are always uneasy and the stress was getting onto them.

They were trying their Best to hold on to their sanity but seeing my Little sister like this was just breaking their hearts.

While I was here, Maintaining both my job and her.

I know it's hard but I just couldn't leave her here.

Mom, Dad and Kanao also watch her but it's me that does it the most.

Sometimes Sanemi and Gyomei-san would help me with her while I rested my eyes.

And on some occasions Iguro, Mitsuri and the White head with 3 Girlfriends.

The Heterochromatic Kid and Pinkette eventually found out after Shinobu was absent for the week which was rare of her.

While the White Haired Playboy knew before us.

He was actually the one who helped Tomioka before he went Off Comms.

He was also the one who told us the whole story and why he hesitated on calling us first.

And to me that was just a shitty excuse since we're literally the Family and he decided to call someone else! That's such a stupid move in my part.

But that was the most Logical solution adding that we would've been furious with him but he did still take care of her.

And here I am saying to my self to not talk about him but I still couldn't.

But in all truth I should be thankful that he was there or Shinobu would've been in a grave right now.

And he saved us from a enormous debt.

I mean he's a student and all but he payed for 100,000$ on his own! And that's beyond my Pay grade for atleast 5 times or more!

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