We're Home

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A/N- Home, a place you can feel safe. A Place you and your Loved ones shared. A place of Memories. But it isn't one Without You



Shinobu's POV

"Umm.. Giyu-san? Where are we?" I finally asked as he just rolled his eyes.

He just patted my head and smiled at me.

"We're Home.."


Home? What Home?

I looked around and waited for him to speak but we just stared at each other Like idiots.

That was until I heard someone clear their throat which made us both look at the Source.

I almost jumped seeing Aoi in the gates but luckily I kept my cool and just shuddered.

While Giyu just Stood still then suddenly fell on the stone floor face first.

Aoi seeing this called for help while I instantly tried waking the Idiot up.

Wait why did he suddenly pass out? Did his heart stop the blood flow in his brain? Wait why do I know that?!

But before I could further think of it I decided to carry him and to my surprise I did, When was I this strong?

I ran around the Huge Mansion and weirdly knew where to go since when I arrived I was already at The Medical Bay.

I laid him down in the Bed and Waited for Aoi to assist me on taking care of him......

Kanae's POV

It's been almost a week since Halloween and we're still here at the hospital after the Latest Incident.

I didn't even know how she got lost but I just wished I followed her or she wouldn't be here again.

The doctors said that she was put into a constant state of sleep after triggering something in her brain and now she's in an Endless Dream or what's Worse was it could even Be a Nightmare.

When we actually found her she was Passed out so we just Casually Thought that she was asleep but after numerous tries we decided to get her to the hospital.

And after that tests were conducted and the doctors were baffled since this was the first time they heard nor seen of this.

Neurologists studied the Brain activity and found that she was alive but something was keeping her asleep.

They estimated that it would end in a few weeks or Months but the worst Case Scenario is that she wouldn't wake up at all and just be in the Dream State or Plain forever.

Thinking of it only made me Shiver in fear, and the Remaining Fear I had when she was last hospitalized was still lingering inside of me.

And I couldn't shake the feeling this isn't the last of it.

In America....

Giyu's POV

It's been a week since I was having this killer Headaches and they're still troubling me.

Hinami was away so I was with Iako today and it's really Rough.

Everytime I try to sleep I see Shinobu.

Everytime I eat all I think about is Shinobu.

Everytime I look at the Mirror I See Shinobu.

And Every Goddamned time I try to close my eyes I see her afterwards.

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