Prologue Part 1.

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Harry sighed as he looked up at the night sky from the Astronomy tower. It was still the middle of the school year and a few days ago, he had just saved his godfather from certain doom from dementors by shooting one of the strongest patronus' in his life. Sirius even wanted him to live with him once he was free, which he wanted more than anything, to run away from the Dursley's and to finally live a normal life. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a soft but firm ahem.

Ahem. He turned and his eyes met with a blonde witch with the most beautiful blue eyes in existence. She was wearing a regular school uniform but without her robes but he could immediately identify that she was Slytherin by the snake sewed onto her sweater. He has seen her before, she was always in his potions class and was one of Snape's top students, Daphne Greengrass.  

"Oh sorry," said Harry weakly. "I didn't see you there Miss Greengrass." 

"Potter," she said nonchalantly. "What brings you to the tower at this hour of night?" 

"I could ask you the same thing Miss Greengrass," countered Harry in the same tone.

"Whoa" Daphne said, raising her arms. "I meant no offense!" 

Harry got his mistake and his face softened. "I am sorry, Miss Greengrass, I'm just on edge for the past few days." 

"Want to share?" she asked, standing beside him on the railing. 

She noticed the look in his green eyes, sad and cold as it always was. Ever since she saw him during his first year, she had a small crush on him but she wouldn't show behind her cold mask. Seeing him like this broke her heart inside and she dropped her cold facade for a moment. 

"I'm not sure," he said, looking straight into her blue eyes. "Can I trust you?" 

"You don't trust me?" she asked, her mask going back on. "Is it because I'm a slimy Slytherin as Weasley calls us?" 

He noticed her coldness come back again. "No Miss Greengrass, it's not because you are a Slytherin, I just don't know who to trust in this world anymore." 

Daphne whipped out her wand and placed it over her head. "I, Daphne Aurora Greengrass, swear on my life and magic that I shall keep secret whatever Harry Potter and I discuss here tonight. So Mote it may be!" 

Soon a bright light enveloped her and Harry and closed within them like a knot. Harry's eyes widened in shock, she just made a magical oath, if she broke it she would either die or lose her magic. Why would she do that? Especially for a Gryffindor like me? 

"Do you trust me now Potter?" she asked in a calm tone but with a hint of coldness. 

"You didn't have to do that but yes, and please, call me Harry, calling me Potter reminds me of that git Malfoy." he blurted before looking guiltily at Daphne. "Oh sorry, he is a member of your house, I shouldn't insult him like this." 

"No, its alright... Harry," she said hesitantly, her mask off. "Almost all of us in Slytherin hate Malfoy, he's an immature brat who always depends on daddy to save his sorry arse." 

"Well, that says a lot," Harry said smiling softly as he sat down against the railing. "So what do you want to know miss Greengrass?" 

"Please call me Daphne," she said with a soft smile as she sat beside Harry. "I just want to know what's wrong Harry." 

"What do you know of my life Daphne?" he asked suddenly, looking forward. "Have you read books about me? What do people say about me there in Slytherin?" 

"Well," said Daphne. "Some say you were raised by Dumbledore, some say by a group of great wizards and I hear some say that you were raised by muggles, is that true?" 

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