Chapter Four:

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The Underworld.

I felt my feet touch solid wood as Hades released me, striding towards the edge of a massive living room, furniture clustered around an ornate stone fireplace as candles and plants dotted nearly every surface. It was quaint, well decorated, and something I hadn't expected to see in the Underworld.

"I thought you'd never come back." A woman entered the room, loose, rose-print dress flowing around her slender frame as he enthusiastically embraced her, kissing the top of her head before turning towards me.

"Persephone, this is Emma. Emma, this is my wife, Persephone."

I took the hand she held out in greeting as I placed Bailey's kennel down, and she smiled, bending over to look.

"And who is this furry little girl? Can I hold her?"

My likeability radar shot through the roof as I let my dog out, laughing along with Hades as Bailey barreled into Persephone's arms like a miniature tornado. "Oh my goodness, she's adorable! What's her name?"


"I'm going to call her Bailey-kins, and she's now my new best friend. Stay back, Alastair!" She snarled, throwing one hand out as her long, curly brown hair fell around her shoulders.

I heard the deep, rumbling growl before I saw the massive bloodhound inching his way into the room, amber-colored eyes flicking between Bailey and me.

"Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to bring her," Hades said, threading a corded rope through Alastair's collar.

"There's no way I was going to leave her behind, Hades. Besides, I don't have many neighbors who I actually trust with her safety or my belongings."

"Just keep her in her room when you can't be with her, that's all I ask. Alastair is not the only guard dog we have, though Titacus and Brom are, admittedly, a lot friendlier than their slightly older brother."

"I'll bet she's a fierce little creature when cornered," Persephone said, cradling Bailey to her chest. "I'll bet she could take the three of them any day."

"Yeah, so..." I watched as woman and dog loved on each other, squashing the green-eyed monster of jealousy into a pancake. This would be good for Bailey to get some extra attention, and I was here to work. "I have about, rough estimate, five minutes before the souls find me again, so if you could point me in the direction of my room, that'd be great."

"Sweetheart," Hades said, stepping forward. "Would you please put the dog down and show Emma upstairs? I have to get back to the docks."

She met his eyes, and a sort of silent conversation seemed to flow between them. I shifted in place, admiring the artwork on the walls and after a minute, Persephone nodded, locking Bailey away before picking the kennel up in her arms, gesturing for me to follow her out.

"So," she said as she led me up a white marble staircase, "Hades tells me that you can communicate with the spirits. That must be-"

"Annoying, confusing and scary?"

"Interesting," she corrected, standing in front of a set of double doors. "I've never met anyone, save Hades, who could do that. You must be pretty special."

"So he keeps telling me," I muttered as she frowned, handing me my things.

"He's never willingly had an apprentice before, and all the times I've tried in the past have, well, failed."

"I'm just here for a week, and then I'm on my way back to Portland, so I'll do my best to help both of you while I can, but this isn't a forever thing."

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