Chapter Five:

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Persephone, one year later...

"I don't want to go back to the Underworld this time," I said, leaning against the fence as I stared down at my reflection in the pond, twisting bits of narcissus together. "And I know I say that every time, alright? But it doesn't mean it isn't just as true now."

I tipped my head to the sun, letting it wash across my face as I inhaled the scents of Spring. I spent so much of every year underground that it was nice to be reminded there was more to life than death and decay.

Do you really hate your time with me that much, love?

Hades' thoughts intertwined with my own, dancing and swirling together in a mental caress and I shivered despite the warmth around me, trying to shove him out, but he remained firm.

Of course not. But, look, I've been with you for thousands of years, and bouncing back and forth between Olympus and the Underworld is starting to take a toll on me. I think I finally understand how Emma feels. Also, don't listen in if you're not prepared to hear something negative, alright? My thoughts aren't always sunshine and rainbows.

You need to spend more time in your greenhouse when you're here. That'll make you happy.

The entire Underworld needs a massive makeover, Hades, not just the areas I'm allowed to explore.

I felt him bristle at the implication. I made those rules to keep you safe, Persephone. The souls are more agitated now, not as easily sorted, and if you bumped into one of them by accident, they could hurt you. You know I won't allow that to happen.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead to chase away the headache I could feel forming. I know, I know, and I'm sorry. It's just...moving every six months is annoying, and mom's busier than usual right now, which means I hardly see her when I'm here. I miss my family, that's all.

I'm not your family, too?

You know that's not what I meant.

"Demeter said you might be out here."

I stiffened my spine and turned slowly on a groan, knowing who the voice belonged to, and kicking myself for not choosing somewhere more remote for my pity-party-for-one.

"Hey, Prom."

Prometheus smiled in return, slinging his black leather jacket over one shoulder. "Did you think more about my proposal?"

I wanted to laugh aloud, but didn't think it would end well for me, considering how quick to anger he was. I'd seen it first-hand once before, and it wasn't pretty.

"Prom, we've had this discussion so many times, I've lost count."

"Yeah, and each time, I wear you down a little bit more, right? I'm still wildly optimistic that things will work out in my favor in the end."

"We've known each other since we were kids, so you're more like a brother to me. I can't feel more for you than that. Besides, in case you forgot, I'm already married."

He tossed his jacket over the fence, stepping forward to take my hands in his. "Cora, Hades gets you for six months of every year, and when you come home to Olympus, you're a shell of the woman I knew and loved. He's breaking you. Being around his souls constantly is breaking you, and it's sad that you can't see it, because everyone here can."

I broke free of his grip, backing away. "I made that deal with Hades because I didn't want to live with the same person every day for the rest of eternity, but I can't be married to him and love you here - I'm not like the rest of the gods. I'm sorry."

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