Chapter Twenty-One:

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"I don't think you realize the severity of this meeting," Hades said, holding my hair back as I puked into the toilet. I grimaced and reached a shaky hand up to flush, leaning my head against the wall.

"I'm in the Underworld with stomach flu," I said, drawing my knees to my chest. "Whatever they want to do with me now, let them."

I moaned and jerked forward, retching again and again as my fingernails hissed against the porcelain, clutching the bowl like a lifeline.

He pushed a sweat-dampened curl away from my face. "You won't be saying that when you're in front of them with nothing but a half-cocked plan to back you up. And I thought you got over your objections to being here a long time ago."

"I have," I said, rocking back on my heels. "But my dad used to get me 7-Up and Saltines whenever I was sick, which was often, thanks to the souls. I miss that. I miss him."

He frowned, standing. "I'm not a replacement for your dad-never will be-but should I go to the store and get those crackers for you?"


I moved too quickly, felt bile rise in my throat again and turned, just in time, as he stroked a hand up and down my back soothingly. I spat and crawled my way to the sink, filling a cup with water. "No, I'd rather keep that a fond memory between dad and I but thank you anyway."

"Hades, I have some-oh." Hermes ground to a halt as I stood, using the counter next to me for support. "You look like Hell, Emma."

I squeezed some toothpaste onto my Sonicare, flipping him off as Hades led him from the room. My stomach felt squidgy, like a water balloon only partially filled, and I willed nausea away-imagined it receding and winking out, bit by bit. How the hell did I get sick anyway? I'd never once seen Hades, Hera, Hermes or Poseidon with anything but a slight sniffle, let alone a crippling fear of being more than twenty feet from the nearest bathroom.

"It's your weakness," Hades said re-joining me. "I pulled you out of the water after you became immortal and before your entire body could follow suit."

"So, I have the lifespan and invincibility of an immortal being, but the immune system of a human?"

"Essentially, yes."


He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorframe. "Hermes tells me that the Fates have moved up the time of your trial to a half an hour from now."

"You're kidding, right?"

"They're not known for their sense of humor, so no."

I groaned aloud. "Tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine and choose another day."


"Don't you dare 'Emma' me, Hades! I'm sick. The last thing I need, on top of puking my guts up for the last hour, is to see their smug faces as they dole out punishment as gleefully as they can."

"Are you upset about the timing, or that you have to go in front of them at all?"

"Both. I refuse to believe that they called a special meeting just to discuss the way in which I chose to become immortal. Completely waste of time if you ask me."

"There are rules and laws the gods are expected to adhere to, which now includes you."

"In all their millenniums of meddling, have they ever taken it easy on someone because their heart was in the right place?"


"Perfect." I turned and walked into the bedroom, Hades on my heels.

"If you're worried about what they'll do to you, I can-"

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