Chapter Eighteen:

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Portland, Oregon:

I snuggled up against Dean's chest, enjoying the way sunlight trickled in through gaps in his blinds. I'd have to leave soon to feed Bailey, who I'd brought back to my apartment as soon as I could, but for right now, this was the only place I wanted to be.

A solid month in Portland was more than enough time to see my parents on multiple occasions, convince them that I was alright, then spend the rest of my time bouncing between home and the local coffee shop, which just so happened to be where Dean worked. Bonding over coffee and Metallica seemed natural after everything I'd been through, and despite not being able to tell him about certain aspects of my life when I wasn't with him, like the souls, he made me feel semi-normal again.

"Awake already?" Dean rolled over, banding an arm around my waist and I smiled, tucking myself up under his chin.

"It's called responsibilities, something I know you don't really have, but some of us do."

Persephone wants to come home. Text her whenever you have a mo

I settled myself deeper under the covers as Dean's hands wandered over my hip, tickling a path along my ribcage and a soft moan escaped my lips as I leaned into the embrace.

Now, Emma!

"Jesus Christ," I muttered, sliding out from under him. I wished there was a way I could block my thoughts from Hades, even for a single day. "I'm sorry, but I've got to run, and you need to put some pants on," I said, laughing as he stood to ensnare my waist again.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you to stay a little longer?" he asked, teeth catching my earlobe and I shivered, buttoning my pants.

"As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, I can't. Where the hell is my shirt?"

He turned me around in his arms, lips covering mine as he backed us both up to the bed, falling into downy softness of his mattress. "Stay, please."

I cradled his face with one hand as he kissed my palm, smiling down at me.

I mean, what's another hour here, right? Bailey will survive, and he's so warm.

You need to contact Persephone.

I'm a little busy right now, thankyouverymuch. She can call Hermes if she's that desperate.

I straddled Dean's thighs, raking a hand through his chest hair and he threw his head back, tendons in his neck straining as I did it again, kissing one pert, brown nipple.

"You can come over anytime you want," he said, voice hoarse with longing and I laughed aloud, which did interesting things to the places our bodies connected. He caught my mouth with his, tongues intertwining as one hand worked at my pants.


I screamed and fell backward, tumbling to the floor in a heap. Hades stood over me, eyes burning brighter than fire and I glared at him, lips curling in response.

"What part of 'leave me alone' don't you understand?" I said, scrambling to my feet as Dean covered himself with the sheet.

"What the hell, man? Who are you and what-"

"Silence," Hades said, turning to me. "I told you to contact Persephone, and it wasn't a request."

"You couldn't let me have one moment here with Dean before swooping on in here in a jealous rage?"

"I'm not jealous. Let's go." He grabbed my arm and I shook him off, sliding my shirt over my head.

"You are. Dean had his hands all over me and you couldn't handle that, could you? I guess I won't tell you what I hear coming from your bedroom when I'm a midnight snack run. Prissy hypocrite."

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