Chapter Twelve:

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The Underworld

Awareness came slowly and with it, a raging headache.

I sat up, propping myself against the stack of pillows behind me as I gazed around the suite, a roaring fire burning bright in the floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Books lay, stacked haphazardly on nearly every surface and in the far corner, I could just make out a hint of cream-colored bathroom tile, steam billowing through the partially-open door.

I swung my legs out from under the heavy fur-lined bedspread, stretching them down until they contacted the smooth floor, surprisingly warm and squishy, like walking through carpet. I followed the steam, so completely tired and worn out that it took everything I had just to make it to the sunken tub. I stripped, stepping down into the warm water with a little sigh of relief, leaning back against the black marble.

My whole body felt tense as I lazily swirled a hand through the bubble bath. I had a nagging feeling, in the back of my mind, that I knew exactly where I was, but didn't voice it until the bathroom door swung open and he filled the space, glass of orange juice in one hand and Ibuprofen in the other. I closed my eyes, sinking down further in the tub.

"Should've known it was you."

"How do you feel?"

"Like shit, Hades, but thanks for asking. Where's Bailey?"

"In your suite, sleeping."

"And, where am I?"

He sat next to me, holding the glass and medicine out for me to take. "In my suite, where you'll stay for the foreseeable future."

I choked on a bit of juice, sputtering as he leaned over and whacked me on the back. "I'm sorry, I must've misheard you, because it sounded an awful lot like you just said 'where you'll stay'."

"I did."

I laughed, reaching out for a towel as I stepped from the bath, ignoring the hand he offered. "I would point out how absolutely ridiculous that statement is, but I think you already know. Woah." I leaned heavily against the countertop, world dancing and spinning for one crazy minute. I felt him take my elbow, gently, like I was made of glass, and I shook him off, straightening. "I'm fine. I need to take it a little slower next time, that's all. Just curious - there aren't actually two of you, are there?"

He caught me as I fell, scooping me up in his arms again as he carried me back to bed. "You need to rest, Emma. It'll take you more than a day to recover your strength." He covered me with blankets, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"I don't need to be babied, Hades."

"You could've died last night if I hadn't been there."

"What did you want in return? A 'thank you'?"

"That's a good start."

I snorted. "Thank you, Hades, for saving me. Now, please leave."

"This is my room."

"Then go to mine! I need space."

"Emma, drop it. I'm staying."

I glared at him before turning over, tucking the sheets up under my chin as I felt him slide in behind me.

"I wanted to be left alone in Portland, but that wasn't good enough for you, was it? You have this irrational need to dominate people and it's more than a little frustrating. I don't want to be here anymore, because it's too difficult."

He draped an arm across my waist casually as I stilled. "What happens next time you can't handle the spiritual overload, and I'm not there to help?"

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