{👑} The Masked Princess

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A Linry Two Parter (Lia x Henry)

Part 1

 Once upon a time, in a small kingdom, there was a princess who was very closed. She didn't communicate with anyone around her. Nobody knew much and she always made sure her public identity could be a secret. So she wore a mask. Not like the ones your doctors use, but ones that you may see at Mardi Gras. Or a masquerade ball. When the royal family went out, she made sure she was covering her eyes. She did speak but barely. Princess Lia was satisfied with what she had to have a private life.

In the nearby village, a farmer's son was pouting on a haystack. Why was he pouting?, you may ask. Well, he was pouting because of how closed off his family were. They were just ordinary farmers providing food for the rest of the town, including the royals. This boy was just stuck with harvesting vegetables out of the dirt to provide for the hungry. He didn't really want that. He wanted to perform. To be the reason people smile! To be known as the sun! But unfortunately, life couldn't bring Henry those wishes.

How would these two hearts connect? And why? Even I wouldn't predict if they're fully complete opposites. But both did have something in common as they longed for something. And funnily enough, they were the same thing.

It was the day where the farmers had to deliver again. Today it was Henry's turn for delivery. He filled the royal wagon with the raw meat and unwashed plants. The royal family always ordered that the farmer themself could deliver the food instead of a guard, so they could praise the villager for their hard work. Henry softly groaned as he wasn't much of a fan of the royal family. He thought they could do better with their riches. Such as donating to those who were severely poor or to do events for the whole village instead of the rich people. But life wasn't fair like that and Henry knew that.

When Henry got into the driver's seat of the wagon, he went off to the castle. As he passed by he saw the step siblings performing beautiful music with the rough schoolgirl and the merchant's little brother. Henry smiled as he liked it but this wasn't the kind of performing he wanted to do. When he arrived at the castle, he saw a brunette and blue haired guard at the door. They seemed his age. The farmer couldn't help but feel pity as they probably lost a good childhood.

He waited at the gate inside the gate for an answer. The wagon wasn't that huge, but it was still pretty big. He got off and fixed it so it could stay upright. He saw a rope and quickly assumed it was probably a signal bell. The farmer pulled on it, and luckily it was what he thought it was. It chimed loudly enough that the sound waves went into the castle but not enough for the whole village to be bothered by it. Henry flinched at the sound. It surprised him even though he heard the annoying animals everyday. He went back on the driver's seat and waited for it to open. When it did, he went on the secret route to the kitchen doors. It was a secret that only the farmers and anybody who lived in the castle knew. It made the agriculture people feel welcome. Henry never got things like this. He, in all honesty, was confused. When he reached the kitchen entrance, he knocked on the door. The head chef appeared immediately.

"Hi Henry! Good to see you again...Now help me with this please," she said unloading the cart after one bow. The boy bowed back, helping the woman unload and store the foods.

When he went into the kitchen, he greeted every worker with a smile. Some returned the smile while others ignored. He saw someone with a black eye mask and he grew incredibly confused. They weren't glasses and these were something you would wear at a fancy party.
A chef wearing party accessories? Nonsense, my foot. Henry thought. He chuckled at the odd cook.

He went back and back inside the kitchen and the wagon to help the cooks. When he took a second look at the weirdly dressed cook, he figured out she wasn't wearing normal work attire. What the girl was wearing made Henry flustered and the boy grew a deep pink. She was wearing a simple dark rose dress with tan sandals. Her hair was wavy and black and it reflected off the light perfectly. With her dark skin complementing the outfit, Henry didn't know what to do. The farmer froze in his tracks. A very pretty girl was watching him and the other cooks. Shame for him, he couldn't see her face properly. He bet that she had a doll's face.

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