{💞} You Again.

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A Zoey x Drew Sci-Fi Two Parter

Fandom: The Music Freaks

Based on the song: The One that Got Away

"We're here to get four of the best students. They're going to be our tests for a better and high tech future. We've been testing our own concoctions, and we found the best one. It will make them immortal. We need people like them so they can be immune to all our tests. We could use them forever."

"Why can't you test adults?" I heard the principal ask.

"With all due respect ma'am, it would be better if we tested on teenagers as they have the perfect kind of health and mindsets for this."

Principal Autumn sighed. I wasn't supposed to hear this, but I couldn't help myself. She kept talking to the person, while I decided to go to class. It was bad for me to eavesdrop, but I knew they wouldn't pick me as a test subject. Average grades, average health, good looks, good status, that's about it. With my best sarcastic smile, I entered the English class and took my seat. The teacher droned on for the rest of the time about grammar or something. I didn't really pay attention. I could get an average score anyway.

My week was like any other normal week. Just hanging out with the gang and regretting stuff. A simple week that's just like any other. Honestly, weeks like these were repetitive. I know I'm being pretty foolish to tell you all this, but I wanted to at least say something about what I normally do.

So all in all, today was a bore. "Hey babe," Drew addressed me with a blank face. Drew is my boyfriend, and I'm really touched by him. To be frank with you, I used to ask him for money, objects, and all that jazz. But when we spent time and just talked, it was satisfyingly pleasing. So, yes, I love him very much.

I gave him a bright, and hopefully cute, smile and hooked my arm to his. I greeted him back and walked side by side with him. He just seemed out of it which tripped me up, but it was probably just how extremely boring the day was. I'm sure he would get out of the funk.

The next week went a bit odd as Principal Autumn announced we would be doing a series of tests unrelated to school. We did a physical test, then a blood test, then an academics test, then a social abilities test, and then a verbal test about miscellaneous stuff with different strangers. On Monday, we did the blood and physical tests. On Tuesday, we did the academics test. On Wednesday, we did the social abilities test. The miscellaneous tests took the longest because it was all individual. For some reason during the week, Drew had been avoiding me. I just wanted to talk to him, so I decided to send him a text. We would be meeting at the cherry blossom park. (A/N: Here we are again...the park connects so much...imagine all the alternate universes everybody would find out. 😂)

When we were at the park, I started the conversation. With concern, I asked, "Are you okay Drew bear?"

He just stared into an unknown spot at the ground. He only answered with a simple nod. It made me angry, and I don't know why. I brushed his chin. At that action, he looked at me with glossy eyes and sad eyebrows. He seemed sad...and he barely felt stuff.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. Now he made me sad.

"Ah...it's a bit of a story." He covered his ears.

"I have time."

"Okay...I heard Mrs. Autumn talking to a random adult. They said they would be gathering a small amount of students who pass the tests or appeal to their staff. And we were so distant prior to that, but I didn't want to lose you. You seemed fine on your own though. I know I'm ranting, but I was even more scared I would lose you. Especially if one of us is picked for it."

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