{🌷} The Masked Princess

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A/N So uh...I turned it into a three parter because it was way too long. Enjoy!

 Henry couldn't stop thinking about how he impressed Lia with his food skills. He remembered how her mouth went from a line to a happy curve. He couldn't see her eyes because of her mask, but he hoped she liked it with genuine feelings. But doubt was lingering of course as she asked what was in it. He was also questioning the real reason why he wanted the princess. But he knew in a quick moment. It was because she was a kindred spirit. Both were yearning for their loneliness to end. Or at least that's what our farmer thought. So he wanted to make her feel included. For him, filling an empty hole in the princess, would bring a win to him. He sighed as he hoped the princess would pick him.
Next up was Spencer. Lia didn't like him anymore now that she knew him. Something was incredibly off about him. Was it how close he acted with her? Was it his habits how he always picked something off his skin? Or was it how he had no manners and just called her "Lia" without her permission to do so. She felt uncomfortable. She snapped her fingers twice when he put his hands on her earring. With her free hand she smacked him. Spencer let out a yelp.

"Don't even touch me." With that, Spencer's thirty minutes with Lia were over.

"I want another break. Give me more time," the mad princess ordered. "Get Spencer out of the building too. I'll be left with four boys."

Nobody questioned her orders. But when someone did, it was directed towards those who were secretly watching. They told them exactly what happened. Nobody would even dare to play the princess like that, so they quickly escorted Spencer out. Though the boy was a bit mad, the guards were strict with not letting him back in. When she was in her room during her abrupt break, she changed her pastel mask to a dark one. It was night and those may not see her eyes as well, but who cared now?

It was another hour before she met with Henry. When it was time to meet the intriguing cook, Lia whispered to herself, "How could you say yes to a two-faced player Lia? You idiot."

She then heard someone say, "You're not an idiot." The princess turned around thinking it was Henry. It was his turn after all. It was actually Guard Liam.

"Oh! Sir Liam...you're too kind for your own good. But thank you." A small smile appeared but it could barely reach her eyes. Liam walked up to her and hugged her. "He's the idiot not you."

No one could imagine them together. But they were, just like old friends, just like puzzle pieces that fit together. Under Lia's mask were two big brown eyes. She was in surprise. She couldn't hug him back though. She freed from his embrace and told him she had to go. It was time to meet up with Henry. Meet up with Henry.

Henry was eagerly waiting for the princess in the garden. He had two roses in his hand. One pastel pink, one bloody red. Liam gave them to him. Henry remembered the kind act he did. Flashbacks to an hour before.

"I'm going to take her out at the theatre. They have a short show which is about forty-five minutes. I'm sure she'll like it! Then we can talk a bit later. Then I'll lead her to the kitchen and show her the lava cake I made with her staff's help!" Henry exclaimed with high eagerness.

Luke had a soft smile on his face. "You can do it!"

Liam's face also had a smile. The guard's eyes were very calm. There were tiny sparks in them. Maybe a friendship?

"I agree with what Luke said. You for sure got this! I'm sure you'll make her swoon. Here, have this," he said, handing the young chef two flowers. "Their Lia's favorite colours. If she asks, just say, 'Lucky guess." Liam covered his hands and patted them.

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