{🖤} You Again..

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A Futuristic Zoey x Drew Two Parter

Light on the Sci-Fi

The day after they gave me my mission, I had to prepare for a week. They installed another chip in my brain to keep updated, even if I wasn't listening. There were so many chips in my body by now, I didn't want to keep track anymore. I had to attend the school for the rich to 'study' whatever the students were doing. I haven't explained how much the world has changed, have I? Well, I should.

To start, androids makeup half of the world's population. Humans don't have as many jobs anymore. I can make a short list of the career paths humans can take. Coders, scientists (this means the top list of doctors as well), detectives, and teachers. That's pretty much it. Detectives get the highest pay while coders are after that. Teachers are the poorest among the jobs. Most families who are middle class or lower class get weekly paychecks for completing checklists they get. It's like a mix of Tokyo and Times Square had a baby that was a tech genius, and it threw up on the world. Whenever we, the test subjects, got the chance to go out in the world, it would be weird seeing the bright screens on the walls. Our hometown wasn't like this in the past. Gosh, I sound so old saying this stuff.

For this mission, I had to train for school again. My mental age has been growing a bit... sadly I lost my adulthood for this. But that was a test subject's life for yah. They fixed my hair to be more neon, so they dyed the tips to be more noticeably pink. They gave me a backpack whose contents were an expensive tablet and a pen to go with it. There were sticky notes and an erasable pen. I was glad they weren't too high tech still. It's sometimes better to go traditional, you know? For my clothes, they gave me a simple white tee-shirt and a thick white blazer to put on top of it. I scanned it with one of my most useful brain chips. It was filled with what I can say computer pads. Yes, I lived for more than a century, but I didn't have the effort and motivation to learn about all this technology. I spent it more on simple school stuff and home economics. Just in case they would ban me because... I'm immortal. With that, they also handed me a simple white skirt to go with the blazer. When I asked what the school colours were, the student scientist named Laylin told me they were black and white. It was basic, so I hoped it was aesthetically pleasing.

They told me the simple rules. "All your guidelines still apply. Do your best to hide your sun tattoo. The rich kids might scan it and figure out you're immortal. Hide your true identity. Don't fall in love, don't ask too many questions, and don't do anything stupid. Walk back ALWAYS. Don't go on the bus...it's easier to make friends and have distractions. Your name will be June Stricthes for this mission. Don't question." That's what the chief scientist, Sir Smith, told me.

"Yes, sir. I vow to follow all rules and meet all lines to have a successful mission. I will not disappoint you." Our normal vow.

"Good. Now go to your mission." Scientist Smith dismissed me. Gosh, it would be hard not having distraction considering it's me. Milly was the best at these. Jared was worse than me, so he mainly stayed in the building. I was in between. We got more test subjects... they weren't as advanced as us, though. The amount of chips, technology, wires, and potions in our bodies were a bit... incredible. Anyway, I walked through the screen filled shoebox world. I found the academy for the rich kids pretty easily. I used my digital brain to check if I was late. My eyes showed me the time.


I was pretty early. I went in and showed the headmaster my blue chip in my wrist. This was to show that I was here for study and not personal education. He looked, and we chatted for a bit. Then he dismissed me to class. I went into classroom 13B. I was the second person there. The first was the teacher. I showed her my blue chip. I was told to only show authorized staff my chip to tell them I wasn't an actual student. She nodded, and I saw the green lines in her eyes scan it. She gave me some foreign sign and pointed to the desk. That was mine. It was row 2. Then around 8:20, students started coming in. I saw a lot of reincarnated people whom I used to know. I didn't know reincarnation duplicated your looks, but almost a different personality. I knew this by scanning a Jake looking boy. I knew everything about him in under seven seconds. This was a perk of the chip. I saw another boy who had black hair... he was part of the music band. I also saw Liam and Drew... wait a minute... Drew?! How was I not supposed to have distractions when the best-looking boy was in my presence. I did my best to not look anybody in the eye, even though I knew they were talking behind my back. I looked for their reincarnation marks. These were marks that were left behind from your past, and at least one stayed on you. It could've been a mole, birthmark, tattoo, makeup mark, etc.

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