{🌟} Moon Milliot AU

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Moon Milliot AU

Context: Milly and Elliot used to be friends when they were super young. In this ff, they have each other's personalities. In high school, Elliot became an extroverted gardener, while Milly became a quiet guitarist. The only thing that keeps them together is their love for space. Milly loves stars, the moon, and sun. Elliot loves to find out what happens on other planets. When they get partnered up for a one week project at the Planetarium, their relationship may bloom again. Elliot ignored his feelings for Milly, but is secretly returning them. Milly is confused whether to keep things as they were or change and have open arms for Elliot again.

Milly lined up to get her lunch early. Another afternoon rehearsal required a full stomach and the capability of getting there on time. Clutching onto her blue tray, she quietly stood in the line. The guitarist stared down at the floor, not even bothering to eavesdrop on the conversation in front of her. They were a loud group of boys. One boy with soft pink hair swiftly turned around. Milly faced him.

"Hi Milly!" the boy said with a radiant smile.

"Hi-hi Elliot... Good to see you."

Elliot's smile grew. "Yea, yea! Heading somewhere?"

"I have band rehearsal in a few."

"Nice, nice! I was going to invite you to sit with us but-"

"Uh...you're the first in line. You should order your food," Milly pointed behind him towards the counter.

"Oh-oh, yea. Well, nice chat... See you!"

Elliot turned his back to Milly. His face felt awfully hot. The gardener's ears were pink as a rose. And his friends were laughing at him.

After receiving his lunch, he turned to his gang.

"Guys! What was that for?!"

"You're not smooth with the ladies."

Elliot went into full Tsundere mode. It was like one of those anime red blush lines appeared on his cheeks. "I'm not into that."

"Okay... sureeee.... only when a certain guitarist is here, you are." His friend's eyebrows teasingly went up and down.

You could see smoke coming out of Elliot's ears. "Shut up."

Picking his food, Elliot thought back. He and Milly used to get along well in their younger years. Because of their contradicting personalities and different interests, their close relationship broke. Oddly, it ended on a solar eclipse day. The gardener sighed as he remembered the memories he had with Milly.

"Why are you so pink?"

Elliot stuck out his tongue. "Nothingggggg."

You could hear great harmonies in the music room.

Day 1

The students of Ceol High were going to a planetarium. There were time intervals for each grade to go. The teacher explained they would research specific types of things in the solar system. This was for fun to have a glimpse of what they could see.

"Before you watch the show, we're going to pair you up for the research projects. This is your extra credit for the class of your choice as it is the end of the year. Now let me see what Principal Autumn wrote. Oh, it's the list of who's getting partnered with who. Let's see...."

"Drew with Zoey. Hailey with Luke. Elliot with Milly..." the teacher droned on and on. Elliot's hands were on his face. His glasses were on his hair. He was hiding the flustered mess he was. Milly saw him thinking he was embarrassed and giggled. She then realized maybe he was embarrassed because of her. Maybe she would mess his non-existent reputation up. Or maybe he just didn't want to be paired up with her. A drop of sweat dripped down the side of her head. Hailey hugged her from the back and told her to calm down.
"You're a likable girl. I'm sure he has another reason to be like that."
Milly wiped her forehead with her arm. She adjusted her baseball danger cap. "Okay... we knew each other. I can do this."
Hailey chuckled. "Chillax Milly! It's a project not a confession of love." Milly giggled along. She knew she was being silly.
Elliot made his way to the guitarist. Milly looked at her side to avoid his stare, but Hailey was already gone. Elliot grabbed a hold of Milly's hands.
"Hi Milly!" he exclaimed with a radiant smile.
"Hi Elliot," she smiled back.
"Let's go to our seats," he brought her along. Milly was being dragged and did nothing. She grew warm.

Everyone was seated when the lights flickered. The room was dark. Elliot was a tomato and hesitated before doing something. He let his hand rest. Milly unknowingly scooted away a couple centimeters. As they watched the mystical ceiling and observed planets and stars, Milly adjusted herself to be comfortable. As she was about to lean her head on the seat, in an instant Elliot reached out his hand under her head. Milly didn't notice and thought the seat just had a head boost or something. Elliot figured this out and furiously blushed. This was the closest he'd ever been to Milly ever since they went their separate ways. The ceiling showed Earth and the moon.

Elliot was in awe. It was clearly an impressive view. If he wouldn't get a plant-related career, then an astronaut was his next choice. He loved thinking and researching about planets. He always wanted to at least be on each planet for even one second. Or at least the safest planets for astronauts. His head turned to his hurting hand. Though he was being kind to Milly, the pain transferred from his hand to his heart. How could one so close yet so far look so cute? How was that sentence so confusing yet so fitting?

After the show, Milly's eyes contained stars. "That was fun"


Day 2

Study of chosen Birth Sign Stars/ Elliot Falling for Milly already

Day 3

Study of Earth and Mars/ Elliot trying to impress Milly

Day 4

Study of assigned dwarf planet/ Both are cautious

Day 5

Study of Moon/ Elliot hyping up to confess

Day 6

Finalizing project, elliot confesses, milly unsure

Day 7

Milly says yes, they got an A++, and happy ever after

Yea....this was the outline/draft for a Milliot AU based off the song Moon by BTS' Jin....

But motivation and the fact I was starting a new story drained me. So um...this is probably gon be the last thing in this book. I'll change the cover too.... sorry for that....

But if you guys just wanna submit a short thing that can be added to this story, claim a part and i'll make it a mep. Use the tag bb13moonmilliot . 


Here's the website in case you need the lyrics for more inspo....thanks guys for your support as I'll be trying to write an original! Thank you again! 

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