Chapter 11

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Hinata woke up and looked at his still sleeping sister and smiled. He stretched and got up to get some water for Natsu. He walked to the kitchen and saw Tsukki sitting at the table with his hands intertwined. He was staring at nothing in particular on the table but Hinata didn't care. Once he saw his alpha he went and hugged him.

"I missed you" Hinata said and kissed Tsukki's cheek. Tsukki smiled and kissed his cheek too.

"I missed you too... what was it that you wanted to tell me" Tsukki asked and Hinata's scent changed to one that was slightly scared... it was almost bitter to Tsukki. He didn't like it, at least not on his sunshine omega.

Tsukki brought Hinata to his lap and started to comfort him the best he could. He would rub against his cheek, scent him, kiss him and say comforting things he knew would make Hinata feel better. That all paid off when Hinata was ready to speak.

"Um... well... my sister is actually a bit sick so I went to get some stuff for her and I ran into Kageyama... and he actually came over for a bit" Hinata started his story. Tsukki held on tighter just knowing Kageyama was here made him feel on edge.

"So that's why I smelt some of his scent when I walked in" Tsukki said and leaned into Hinata. "Anyways continue, love"

"Um... he tried to uh... to kiss me... well he almost forced me to... I tried to make him stop but he didn't listen... and that's when you texted and yeah" Hinata said trying to forget it "Kei... I felt so weak and useless... I felt like I couldn't do anything... h-he held me so tightly and his scent m-made me feel powerless and I... I hated it so m-much" Hinata said, crying into Tsukki's chest. Tsukki held him tightly against him and tried to hold his anger to help calm down his omega.

He held him close and comforted him just like he did before till Hinata calmed down. Tsukki rubbed his back and whispered comforting things.

"Shh it's okay my omega... I'm here now... you're safe with me" Tsukki would say and after a while Hinata calmed down, still hiccuping every now and then but he was better than before. Tsukki could see his snot filled nose, red eyes, tears that were ready to fall again and his red, tear stained cheeks. It broke Tsukki's heart to see him like this. Tsukki was mad at himself for not being there to help his omega.

"Um after I called you I-I told him to leave and he did... thankfully" Hinata stayed close to Tsukki's scent gland, keeping calm and taking deep breaths to calm down some more. "I don't know what I would have happened if he didn't"

"It's okay... don't think about that, okay" Tsukki said and nosled close to Hinata. They just both felt the need to be close and Tsukki felt a lot more protective knowing what Kageyama did.

"But something that Kageyama said caught my attention" Hinata said and Tsukki hummed, loving the scent of his omega. "He said I smelled different?" Hinata got embarrassed once he remembered what Kageyama did to him.

Tsukki started sniffing him and just hugged him. Hinata blushes even more. "I guess your scent is a bit sweeter... mmm you smell nice... it might be because your heat ended a while ago" Tsukki had a derpy grin and held Hinata close.

"Haha okay Kei... what did you do today?" Hinata asked, wanting to know what Tsukki was doing all day.

"Mmm I was mostly talking with Suga and Daichi and I told them about us... I also stopped by a store and got something for Natsu" Tsukki grinned as Hinata pouted and scoffed playfully. "Don't worry, little omega, I got you something too... but it will have to wait till later" Tsukki kissed Hinata's lips and got up. "Now where is my favorite little alpha"

"She's still sleeping" Hinata said as he went to get a cup of water. "She should wake up in a bit though"

"Is it okay if I wake her?" Tsukki asked and was already walking towards her room. Hinata just giggled and nodded.

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