Chapter 3

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Hehe- @queer_as_can_be will get this chapter since it's based on a roleplay we're doing so-. Y'all are screwed~.

Triggers: Death threats,abuse (mental,physical,verbal,and emotional),uhhh- crying,lots and lots of crying,yelling,panic attack-

Remy was nervous as all hell. Xer brother,Issac,looked at Remy.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" He asked Remy. Remy nodded, "Yeah,this could go one of two ways."

"Our mom will accept you,I know that,it's just our dad that I'm worried about." Issac said.

Remy nodded, "Yeah,that's what I'm scared about. ...Do you think the abuse will get worse..?" Xe mumbled.

Issac hugged Remy, "I really hope not." (Little did they know-).

Remy bit the inside of his lip.

~Timeskip to lunch~

"Hey mom,dad,can I talk to you..?" Remy asked them. Remy's mom nodded, "Of course."

Remy's mom looked like Issac just female version. (Red hair,and green eyes. Idk,that's how I imagined her.)

Remy looked exactly like xer dad,brown hair,grey eyes. (Again,that's how I imagined him.)

Remy took a nervous breath. "Well,get on with it." Xer dad snapped. Remy flinched.

"Okay um..." Xe took another breath, "I'm..I'm gay.." Remy said.

Xer dad was furious. Remy and Issac both flinched. Remy got a good ol' slap on the face.

Remy's mom starting yelling at Remy's dad. Remy's mom then got slapped on the face. Remy flinched and began to hyperventilate.

Xer dad started to throw slurs into the yelling. Remy went to xer room and started to have a panic attack. The yelling quieted down.

There was pounding on Remy's door. Xe didn't open it. "Remington! Open this door now!" It was Remy's dad.

Xe still didn't open it. Remy just stayed in his room,panicking.

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