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Early the next morning, Jimin woke up the alarm clock ringing throughout his new dorm room. He turns it off and stretches, letting out a small yawn. That was the best sleep he's had in ages. Normally he's woken up once or twice to feed Hana or change her diaper.

The curtains are still covering the window so Jimin goes to draw them back. Sun immediately pours into the room, wrapping Jimin in a warm blanket as he takes in the sight before him. The dorm room windows face the back of the school, away from the entrance. This means Jimin will see some students hanging out in the courtyard, either by the track or hanging out with their friends on the green grass. There's a gray brick wall all around the courtyard, too high for anyone to easily climb over.

Jimin opens the window to let in some fresh air as he heads into the bathroom. There are two small bottles of shampoo and conditioner along with a bar of soap. He turns on the shower and waits a few seconds for the water to heat up. He takes off his pants and underwear before stepping in, sighing as the beads of hot water drip down his back and slender waist. He stands there for a bit before taking the shampoo and scrubbing his hair. It was a standard smell, not bad but certainly not one he would use. Jimin enjoys a more fruity smell to compliment his scent like orange or something citrus.

He soon finishes with his shower and steps out, grabbing the white towel off the railing and wrapping it around his waist. The bathroom is quite humid and has the faint smell of the shampoo Jimin used.

He walks out of the bathroom and heads towards his closet. He didn't have much at the moment meaning he will have to go out later. For now, he takes out his black jeans and a white turtle neck. Jimin quickly slips them on once he's dry and grabs his brush from the bathroom, brushing through his damp locks. He fluffs his hair a little once he was done and sat back down on his bed, not knowing what to do. Now it's almost nine-thirty meaning Mrs. Kim will be here soon.

"Jimin?" It's Mrs. Kim's voice, muffled through the door. "Are you ready?" Jimin gets up from his bed and opens the door, smiling at Mrs. Kim. "Yes, I am," he says. She leads him down the hallway filled with doors leading to the other omegas who attend this school.

"Before we continue with the tour, you'll need these," Mrs. Kim says, turning to give Jimin a small wallet. "What's in this?" he asks. "Just open it." Hesitant, the omega opened the light gray wallet to see a baby blue colored key card and a stack of cash. "The key card is for access here at Crystal Academy. It's the only way to work the elevator, open the door to your dorm, and even get into the school. Along with five thousand dollars that covers food, clothing, toiletries, and decor for your room " she explains. "Thank you very much," Jimin mumbles. "But is this much necessary?"

"Well for this time, yes. We have you more since you probably want to buy some fabric and decor." Jimin places the small wallet in his back pocket before following Mrs. Kim towards the elevator. "Just to let you know, your key card doesn't work with getting to the alpha floor. If you scan it around the same time as one of our alpha students. The elevator will take the person who scanned first to their destination before picking up the other," Mrs. Kim explains as she presses her key card against the pad on the wall. "Although we have no intentions to fully isolate our students, we don't want any complications to happen. After all, quite a few of our students are set to be betrothed to others." A ding is heard before the elevator opens and the two-step inside. "We'll go to the first floor first where I will take you to the office and give you the list of other classes to register for." She presses the button for the first floor and the elevator immediately begins descending.

"Will we be running into any other students?" Jimin asks. "Probably. We have the gym and library on the first floor, and quite a few students like to enjoy their time down there," she says, turning to face the younger. "Are you nervous?" Jimin nods with an embarrassed smile. The students here are not like him in anyway shape or form. Plus there's a huge chance he is one of the only male omegas attending this school.

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