Some huge news...

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Hello everyone. It's been a while hasn't it? I'm sure several of you are reading this message with worries that I will be taking another hiatus or I am feeling really down and depressed. Don't worry, I am perfectly healthy, both physically and mentally.

However, I do come here with huge news, something that will defiately change the fate of this account.

I... will be leaving, forever. I've been thinking about this for quite a while now, and it's time to finally say something. My love for BTS and just Kpop in general has died down. I haven't been keeping up to date on any news of my favorite groups and I even stopped listening to some of their music. And without that passion, I don't deserve to call myself a kpop fanfic writer. It's clear to me that I need to begin my strive towards the future, and to do that, I need to let go of the past, aka this account.

This account holds so many memories. I've been on Wattpad for almost two years, way back in Feb 2019. I logged in not knowing my work would touch so many beautiful readers. Which is why I can't continue to post on this account.

However, I won't be deleting anything. In fact, I'm giving one of you the chance to continue it's legacy. On December 26, the day after Christmas, I will be hosting a small short story contest, and the winner gets the password to this account.

Now, before I continue with the rules and deadlines for this account, here are some rules to whoever wins this account.

- I will be able to see the activity going on here from another account.

- The winner will be able to contact me through email and if I hear that one you are harrassing them about their writing style or the oppostie, I won't hesitate to shut down the account along with all the stories.

- If you win the account, you have the choice to either keep the password as it is, or change it. But if you do change it, I would like to know it in case something happens and I need to log on.

- I will keep drafts for the current stories on here, but any other drafts will be deleted along with my library, message board, and any pm's I got from followers or other writers.

- Please do not win the account only to troll around on it. I know many enjoy these stories and I don't want someone who won't take it seriously and mess around with them.

- I will allow multiple admins

Now here are the rules and deadlines for the contest.

- You will have 2 weeks after Dec 26 (Jan 9) to write a 2500 minimum word short story. It can be about anything, but nothing that is racist, homophobic, ableist, or anyway offensive to any group or community. And if there's anything triggering, please put a warning.

- The story should be edited, proofread, and submitted via email by Jan 9. My email: Charlottedeneenbennett

- Jan 12 is when I will announce the news. If you win, I would like to have a one on one conversation to see how passionate you are about the account. And I am totally free to help you with future ideas for current and even upcoming books.

If you have any other questions or concerns, don't be afraid to pm me!

I love you guys so so much and I will miss all of you :)


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