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Jimin lets out a shaky exhale as he stands by the elevator, tapping his foot impatiently against the marble flooring. His hand is clutching the strap of the bag he was gifted by the school. In the bag are his books and pencils, along with his wallet and sewing kits.

He's right now waiting for the elevator but it's taking a while.

Finally it arrives and he walks in, pressing the second floor button and leans against the wall, praying that it'll be just him on the descend down but his wish is shattered when a couple girls walk in, filling up the small elevator.

They each give him confused looks as the elevator doors close. "Have you asked Namjoon out to the dance yet?" one of the girls asks her friend who is filing her nails. "No," she sighs, "I didn't get the chance to talk to him privately."

Jimin can hear the girls beside her let out sad noises while encouraging her, saying that she'll get her chance. Hearing this make Jimin sigh as he looks down at the floor, mind wandering to some of the sketches in his book. There's a design he wants to make as soon as he gets back to the dorm.

It's a purple mermaid gown with a slit going from the mid-thigh to the ground. The top of the gown has off the shoulder sleeves with a thin sparkly shawl of the same color as the gown.

He has plans of giving Mrs. Kim multiple gowns as a thank you gift.

Soon the elevator became quiet and Jimin looks up to see the girls staring at him. Why can't this damn elevator hurry up? he thinks to himself. "Can I help you with something?" he asks, doing his best to hide the annoyance in his tone.

"Are you a new student here?" one of the girls ask. She has a curious expression on her face, and who can blame her? Male omegas are rare along with female alphas. There's not an exact reason why they're rare but some old fashion people believe it's because females should be an omega while males are alphas.

"Yes I am," he replies, letting out a deep sigh afterwards. "That's strange, none of the higher families had a omega son," the other girl whispers, the one who was going to ask out that Namjoon guy.

Finally, the elevator reaches the first floor and Jimin storms out of the elevator, heading down the long hall with a sour expression. He doesn't care if any of the students here find out who he really is, but they don't need to know this second.

Once he is a good distance from the elevator, Jimin slows down and lets out a shaky breath. He can feel his anxiety slowly rise as his hands clam up. To calm down, Jimin inhales deeply and clenches his fists. He soon begins to feel the familiar sting and looks down to see deep indents in his palms. "Thank goodness," he mumbles, glad that he didn't break the skin.

It's a common ritual for Jimin to dig his nails into his palms whenever he is anxious. The painful sensation is his way of grounding and getting himself back down to earth. He then pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket to look over his schedule.

"Economics is first," he mumbles, looking at the number written beside it.

Room 07.

Jimin puts the paper back into the pocket of his blazer and heads down the halls, eyes locked to the big black letters placed on the doors.




Taking in a deep breathe, Jimin's hand wraps around the cold, brass colored doorknob and slowly turns it. Inside are a mix of both alphas and omegas socializing to one another. The teacher is at his desk, typing something on his computer when he looks up at Jimin.

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