Chapter 7

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Two chapters closer together to make up for my lack of posting.

Half an hour later, Virgil gave a rushed goodbye to the counselor and hurried to his first class. He'd missed home room - which was good, because he would have had it with all three of his soulmates.

Soulmates, he thought scornfully. Why do people believe in that?

He sighed as he slumped into the seat farthest from the front of the room. Virgil had been unsuccessful in escaping this first class: AP U.S. History.

Based on his good grades in social studies at his last high school, it had been recommended that he take the advanced class.

Unfortunately for him, it was only offered once a year.

Which was why he was curled into the corner desk. He'd overheard Logan say that they had this class as well, and he didn't want them to recognize him.

Surely they don't remember me. That was so long ago.

Still, he didn't want to take any chances. So, he flung his hood over his face and turned away from the door as students flooded in.

Logan walked in and they began to walk towards the front of the class. Then, they spun around and spotted Virgil, whose blood ran cold.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Abort, abort, abort. Escape. Escape now.

He was frozen, though, and he could only watch as Logan sat in the desk next to him. "I hope this spot isn't taken."

It didn't matter, even if it was. He wouldn't have been able to answer. "You're Virgil Storm, correct?"

Slowly, he removed his hood and faced Logan. "Yeah, what's it to you?" The teen shrugged. "You weren't in first period. My friends and I were concerned."

He scoffed. Of course they'd be worried about someone they knew a decade ago. "Concerned? Why the h*ll were you concerned about me?"

Logan looked taken aback. "Because you remember us, and we remember you." Virgil stubbornly held the other's gaze.

"And if I do?" "Why wouldn't you greet us? We were friends, once. We can still be friends."

A smirk found its way to Virgil's face. "Right. Clearly, Specs, you don't know me anymore. I wore pastels in second grade. I'm not pleasant to be around now. I'd recommend you run while you can."

Logan looked confused. "Run from what? A possible friendship?" "From my parents," Virgil snapped.

As soon as he said it, Virgil wished to take it back. "What do you mean by that?" He didn't want to answer. "Virgil. Are you safe?"

Virgil laughed humorlessly. "Yes, I'm safe. My moms aren't abusive, if that's what you're suggesting. Why do you care, anyway?"

Logan rolled their shoulders. "It's what any decent human would do, and I told you the three of us wanted to see if you'd be our friend again."

They leaned in closely. "Besides, I think you're our final soulmate. Perhaps you haven't admitted it to yourself, but you know it's true.

"Why else would you eavesdrop on our conversation, then switch out of every class possible? Our last interaction as children was not unpleasant, so you have no reason to be mad at us. You're scared of something. Or someone."

Virgil shot to his feet. "You don't know the first god d*mn thing about me, Berry. You don't know me, you don't know my parents, and you don't get to accuse any of us of anything. Why don't you shut the h*ll up?"

The teacher, Mr. Smith, did not appreciate that outburst. "Mr. Storm! That is unacceptable behavior! See me after school."

Ashamed, Virgil slumped back into his seat. His face was red hot in embarrassment, and he felt an angry tear fall down his cheek. Hurriedly, he wiped it away.

As the man began to give the lesson, Logan passed Virgil a note.

"I did not mean to make assumptions about your family, but I was right about you being our soulmate, wasn't I? I won't tell anyone, but please consider sitting with us at lunch. Patton and Roman would like to meet our childhood friend."

With a huff, Virgil shoved the paper into his pocket.


At lunch, Logan found Virgil at his locker and forcibly dragged him to the cafeteria. "Hey! What are you-" "Patton and Roman are insistent that you come sit with us. There's no way to say 'no' to them."

Giving in, Virgil sighed. "I do remember that about those two. That, and they ask a ridiculous amount of questions."

Logan chuckled as they found the table in the corner. "There is that point. However, you'll find that they do their best to respect boundaries, so long as you set them."

Virgil sat on the far end of the bench. "I'll keep that in mind."

A few minutes later, Patton and Roman, hand-in-hand, joined Logan and Virgil. "Oh! You must be our childhood friend!"

Patton extended a hand, which Virgil hesitantly shook. "I'm Patton. He/him, please."

Roman smiled and also shook Virgil's hand. "Roman. They/them, thanks."

Logan smiled from their position down the bench from Virgil. "You already know me. My pronouns are they/them and he/him, although today I prefer the former."

Virgil nodded. Of course, he already knew them - both from the Dream Scape and memories - but they couldn't know that.

"Virgil. I'm... not really sure what my pronouns are, so he/him is fine, I guess."

Patton beamed. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you, kiddo!" He and Roman sat down and began to eat that day's school lunch: pizza.

"So," Roman started through a mouthful of food. "Roman," Logan warned. They glared at the other over their salad. "Alright, alright."

Once Roman was done with their bite, they spoke again. "So, Logan noticed you by the bulletin this morning. Any particular reason?"

Virgil shrugged. "I'm new here. I was reading the flyers."

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because Logan was insistent that you were listening in on our conversation. It's alright if you were, I'd just prefer you were honest about it."

Virgil groaned. "Are you all this 'noble'? Fine, I was listening in. I knew you guys seemed familiar, but I didn't want to approach you. Happy now?"

He knew Logan didn't buy it, but that was fine by him. "Yeah, sure," Roman grumbled.

"Ok, kiddo! Let's play 20 Questions! We used to know you, but I'm sure things have changed. I wanna get to know the new you!"

Logan was right, Virgil thought wearily. Patton is impossible to say 'no' to.

And that was how the group found themselves in an aggressive battle of 20 Questions for the remainder of lunch.

Whoo! Another chapter done in three hours and I only *almost* lost it once!

The cases of COVID-19 just go up every day, so please help by wearing a mask and social distancing.

October 25, 2020

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