Chapter 19

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I have no words for how exhausted I am (could be relevant to when I'm writing this or when it's posted). Anyway, here's your update.

Also: I'm writing Patton as demisexual, but I myself am not. If I got something incorrect, and you are demisexual, please correct me.

TW: mentions of sex, aphobia, mentions of forcing someone to do something, mention of dysphoria, internalized aphobia, aphobic claims.

Content warning: suggestion of having sex.

(November 8 (Friday))

Roman and Logan had left around 9 o'clock the day prior. They had retired at Roman's house again.

When Patton and Virgil woke in their respective rooms, they were both surprised by their surroundings.

Patton smiled and knocked on Virgil's door to wake him at 6:45. Wake up, kiddo! We gotta get ready for school!"

Virgil groaned and opened his door. "Do I have to?"

Patton giggled and gently ruffled Virgil's hair. "Yes, silly."

Virgil purred at the contact, then flushed red in embarrassment.

"Awww!!" Patton smiled and bounced down the hallway to the kitchen. "I'm making toast! Be ready in fifteen; Roman will pick us up."

Five minutes later, Virgil was dressed and brushing his teeth when a knock sounded on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Patton opened the door to find Roman and Logan standing there. "Oh! You're early!"

The two stepped into the apartment, allowing Patton to close the front door.

"Yep. We woke earlier than we expected, so we figured we'd hang out here until you were both ready."

Virgil finally walked into the common room, backpack slung over his shoulder. "What's up with you two?"

Patton finally stepped back to examine the two and laughed at what he found.

Logan was wearing Roman's letterman jacket and sneakers, while Roman was wearing Logan's shoes.

This time, Roman was the one with the poorly concealed hickeys - and there were a lot of them. Those of Logan's that were visible were darker in color, but fewer in number.

Roman's hair was a mess, and the two clearly hadn't gotten much sleep.

Virgil realized what had happened. "Oh, my- you two- at your house? Wow."

Roman and Logan both flushed as dark as the markings on their necks.

"Shut up, emo. We were both consenting, and got enough sleep. My parents didn't mind all that much." Roman crossed their arms.

Virgil scoffed. "I didn't say you weren't consenting. It just seems like you two get carried away."

Logan shrugged. "Perhaps. It shouldn't matter, though. We consented, one at a time, and stopped doing something if asked."

Virgil rolled his eyes and hopped on the counter to eat his toast.

"Patton, perhaps you'd join us sometime?" Roman asked with a grandiose air.

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