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📍Written by → @toxicjoonz

🔞⌇Contains mature content and a lot of violence
🥊⌇Don't copy or repost my work

Author's pov

🗓 > Flashback
🕰 | | continued

"You can't be serious...!" Jungkook let these words roll under his breath but it fell on everyone's ears. His hands were shaking in disbelief while y/n just stood still, after reading every history of their father figure.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon apparently hid the fact that he was consulted by a psychiatrist for some therapy, and I am not shocked by it, he does have power to hide the truth or mould it in any way.

He is mentally disturbed, he cannot realize what he did was wrong because he is still in that dark room, a heartbroken man...all alone, sitting there and crying. For him, he is the one who is hurt and he is protecting YOU Jungkook, from all the stuff that happened to him, he is so in that illusion that he is protecting you that he cannot understand that he is doing the opposite of it...and is even ready to kill you.

Human brain does work in huge mysteries which sometimes even doctors aren't able to solve or term it." Jimin justified the report that they read few minutes ago,

"But this is...does this really justify everything that Mr. Jeon did..." Taehyung asked while looking down, afraid his teary eyes could be seen by everyone, as now they knew everything y/n went through—watched all videos in which y/n was tortured and how, while y/n had no idea that her best friends were now aware of the nightmares that she experienced every night.

Y/n on the other hand still stood still, no comments, not even syllables came out her zipped lips. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and Jimin and saw how their eyes never left the ground, he was confused at that and motitioned them, as he couldn't even bear the thought of more secrets.

Gulping and looking at Jimin, Taehyung got the approval from his soulmate to show the cause of their state. Handing over the headphones to Jungkook, Jimin let Jungkook watch the scenes unfolding on the screen of his macbook, and just like that, three of the men in the room's emotions were disturbed to their very core. 'How could someone go through that and come alive?' That was the only question they kept asking themselves and all the unbelievable mighties.

When they finally lifted their gaze to settle upon their dear figure, it wasn't there anymore. She looked here and there but y/n wasn't there. Panicking at that, the maknaes kept checking the dorms and outside, but nothing.

"Stop, we won't be able to find her until she wants us to. We should rather concentrate on what to do about Mr. Jeon, knowing that he would come after Jungkook as well along with y/n." Taehyung sniffled a bit and said the words of wisdom while his heart was clenching in pain, along with the ones near him.

"Will I ever be able to face y/n again?" Jungkook asked suddenly, halting the nex actions of the guys—which was to head towards their dorm.

Receiving no answer from his present company, he let out a bitter chuckle and brushed his red tip nose against the pad of his thumb,

"She went through all that, alone, while I was here sulking about her leaving me, which is by the way all because of MY so-called father.

While she needed me, I was drunk and in bed with someone else, who was again by the way planted by MY own father,

She was tortured like THAT by MY father because he in some sort of twisted way wants to take HIS revenge on MY love of the life.

All this while, when I thought that she made the joke out of me, it was actually not her but my own blood, who made my whole life a fvcking joke, made me a pawn." Jungkook broke down at last... at last his tears left his eyes yet again, but this time y/n wasn't there to pick his pieces...again.

"I am sorry, but I have to confront him. I am sorry." And before the two could even stop the youngest, he ran off.

There he stood in front of him, the man in his early fifties yet looked as if he was just in his mid forties, a very handsome man, indeed his father, none other than Mr. Jeon...

🗓 > Present
🕰 | |

After letting out all the assumptions he could, after letting out a short part of his anger in front of the culprit of his hell life, he finally paused to take some breath, his broad chest moving heavily, while his father's jaw was clenching and unclenching, cursing y/n yet again for this,

"See how you are standing up for that b!tch, fighting with your fvcking father—" before the word was even out in his naked glory, Jungkook's knuckles were already on the scruffy surfaced cheeks of his, making his whole body jerk to the side due to the heavy impact it just faced.

Touching the place where his only son prized him with all the things he did for him, he saw how blood's stains were on his thick fingers, and source of that was Mr. Jeon's lip's corner, injured because of the punch.

Series of mad chuckle left Mr. Jeon's mouth, leaving the guy who was burning in his own agony baffled at the state of his father, he couldn't believe what maddening he was witnessing in front of his own eyes, and the fact that this person was managing the whole government headquarters in this position.

He wasn't just playing with own son's feelings or his, but of millions of people who were entrusting him with their safety.

But Jungkook didn't do anything to stop all the deranging things his dad was doing—-hitting his head, laughing like a maniac, shaking his head in unknown emotions...and deep down, Jungkook perhaps pity his father, but not forgive him in any circumstance.

And it wasn't only that, he went against and broke many laws which were highly classified, even hid many situations which come against the clauses of their positions as well.

But still Jungkook just stood there, didn't do anything.

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