39. Barriers

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As the sun sank lower in the sky, its light filtering through the crystal window made Diddero's skin appear almost radiant, glistening like polished obsidian. His eyes, seemingly untroubled by external factors, remained passive, while his lips formed a gentle smile that suggested a serene inner peace. Even as Natalia scrutinized him closely, she failed to detect any traces of her own distress or weariness reflected in his expression. Throughout the lesson, he remained as undisturbed as he was at the outset, his calm and composed demeanor a testament to his inner tranquility.

They had been at it for hours, yet Natalia had only built the most rudimentary of barriers. Her failure frustrated her, leading her to push herself too hard. Her concentration waned, and without Diddero's constant vigilance, she would have already made some dangerous mistakes.

The past few days in the shield and barrier lessons had gone so well for them both. It had come so easily to Natalia then. But for this lesson, Diddero had asked her not to use any of her internal magic. He wanted her to use an external source, but despite her efforts, she couldn't grasp what he meant. She only knew how to look within.

Raja had had more success. He described lines of power crisscrossing all around them. But Natalia couldn't see anything. The heavy weight of disappointment and self-doubt pushed down on her, breaking her most recent attempt at a barrier. Raja grabbed her hand to comfort her. She resisted withdrawing it like a petulant child. It had been this way with Lukas; he had always been one step ahead. Perhaps Raja would surpass her here, and she would always be the second strongest.

"A break," Diddero finally announced as two servants brought in drinks and reached for the refreshments they had placed near them. "Thank you." He told the brown-clad women absently.

"I can't seem to build it without drawing on my internal power," Natalia complained, letting out a cleansing breath before drinking the water Diddero handed her.

"Most cannot. Today's exercise aims to see if I can teach you how to use the power lines." Diddero's expression remained passive, and his tone neutral as he spoke. Instead of bristling at his words, his calm demeanor comforted Natalia more than any amount of sympathy or reassurance could have.

"I cannot," Leena commented, her voice surprising Natalia. She didn't remember seeing her enter the room. Natalia turned to the voice and saw her standing near the garden door in the back of the baren practice room. The circular space lay on the opposite edge of the house than the courtyard. The view from the large crystal windows was similar to the one Natalia viewed from above in her room. The large garden housed much of the fresh vegetables they ate, and Leena held a basket brimming with its bounty.

Jiyun stood and silently assumed her burden. Jiyun had been silent since she had turned the lesson over to her husband. But Natalia had felt her steady, reassuring presence the entire time.

"He has tried many times to teach me. I just can't seem to get it," Leena continued, her now free hands waving with exaggerated frustration.

"I can, but only some. Mostly, I use my own power for the shields I create," Jiyun offered as she shifted the basket in her arm.

"And you have vast wells of that, Shieldmaster," Diddero responded. "As do these students, but if they don't have to draw on it, so much the better."

"Have you ever drawn on the power of Water to build the barriers?" Raja asked Leena.

"Power of Water, I am not sure. I have asked Water to build temporary walls, but never these types of barriers."

"Hmm." Diddero stroked his bare chin. "I think I see what you are referring to. I call them power lines, but possibly you see them as extensions of the elementals."

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