Spencer: Chapter One

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When I'd agreed to spending a weekend at my friend Jake's cottage with some friends I'd had no idea that Spencer would be there. I mainly made the assumption because I'd been under the impression that Jake and Spencer were still not on speaking terms after what had happened a few weeks prior when Jake had caught Spencer plowing Jake's younger sister, Meredith. Apparently, they'd made up though because Spencer's sleek black SUV pulled into my driveway that Friday morning to pick me up.

"I didn't know you were coming." I murmured to Spencer once I climbed into the passenger seat. I'd thrown my bag in the trunk earlier. The leather seat was warm on my exposed thigh and I had to fight the urge to jump out of the skin-melting seat. Spencer turned to me with a pout.

"My presence won't ruin your weekend, will it, baby?" He asked me in a mock innocent voice. Spencer and I had never really gotten along, we'd been in the same circle of friends together for the past almost six years yet he and I never clicked. He was too conceited and brash and vulgar for my liking. Not that I was the poster-child for innocence or anything but I knew when it was appropriate to act inappropriately and when it wasn't. Spencer didn't seem to understand that concept.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a blank stare. "You just might. How did you get back in Jake's good graces?" I asked as he turned onto the highway. A look of confusion fell upon my face. Was he only driving the two of us? I couldn't imagine Spencer and I being stuck in a car together for two hours along was going to turn out well. I pulled my phone out of my shorts' pocket and began texting my best friend.

To: Abi

Who are you driving with?

I sent the text before dropping my phone into my lap and staring at the side of Spencer's head expectantly. His hair was styled in the usual way, the short brown mess was stuck up in a quiff containing too much hair product, I could practically smell the hair spray from where I sat.

He turned his head the glance at me briefly, his caramel brown eyes catching my gaze momentarily. "I brought him a case of beer and we spent last night playing Foosball. Jake's not hard to please." He gave an uncaring shrug while his fingers began pressing the touch screen of his GPS. I watched as his eyes danced from the road to the GPS before he let out a frustrated growl and threw the device in my lap. "Put the address of the damn cottage in, would you?" He all but growled out at me. I rolled my eyes but obliged, easily putting the address in before putting the GPS back on it's stand on the dashboard.

"How've you been?" I asked quietly. I hadn't seen Spencer in almost a month since what happened between him and Jake. My phone vibrated on my leg.

From: Abi

Chris is driving. Soph, Jake, and Long are here too. Sorry you're stuck with Spence. Jake really didn't want to be stuck in a car with him and you live closer to him than you do Jake. It just seemed more convenient for him to take you. Try not to kill Spencer, okay? Sorry, sorry, sorry x.

I sighed after reading the text and decided not to answer. I wasn't mad at them or anything but I would've preferred getting the chance to mentally prepare myself for the car ride beforehand.

"I've been good, partying mostly." Spencer muttered beside me. I knew partying was code for 'sleeping with lots of babes' but I chose not to comment on it.

Spencer had been the first one out of our friend group to lose their virginity and he'd certainly had sex more than the rest of us probably combined. We all chose not to judge him on it, I think it was mainly because Jake, Long, and Christian were probably all jealous of how exciting Spencer's sex life was in comparison to theirs. We girls, Sophia, Abi, and myself could care less. It was more than likely that Spencer was carrying some sort of STD, nothing to envy there.

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