Spencer: Chapter Five

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"Wanna go swimming?" Spencer's question caught me off guard. We had spent the entire day practically ignoring each other, not that I minded. Neither of us were feeling angry toward the other anymore. He'd even kissed me that morning before he went up to have breakfast. I wasn't even sure why were had been ignoring each other but none the less, we had been.

"Right now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. It was almost two in the morning when my friends and I had decided to pack it in and go to bed. I was already in my pajamas and was honestly feeling quite tired.

"Yeah, why not? It's our last night here, we should enjoy it." He reasoned.

I let out a yawn. "But I'm tired." I murmured sleepily before crawling onto the bed and sprawling out like a starfish on my stomach.

Spencer didn't reply, I listened to him shuffle around the room before he crawled into the bed beside me. He let out an over-dramatic sigh that made me roll my eyes. His bare back so facing me and I had the urge to run my fingers over his tensed muscles. He was acting like a child, yet I still felt drawn to him. I wanted to curl myself around him, I hated all of it. I wanted to go back to two days before. Two days before I had no interest in him, but in that moment all I wanted was to be wrapped in his warmth. 

 "I'm sorry." My voice was barely above a whisper as my grazed my lips against his back. When he didn't say anything, I gave up and turned away from him. I tried. After a few moments of deafening silence, I felt the bed shift and then his arms wrapped around me. Before I could question what he was doing, he plopped me into his lap so that I was straddling his thighs. 

 "Don't be sorry, baby. I guess I've just been feeling weird these past few days." His voice was sincere as he laced his fingers through mine. 

 The gesture was utterly confusing, we were not a couple, far from it, but sometimes he would do silly little things like hold my hand and I questioned what he really wanted. In the almost six years of our friendship, I'd never once seen Spencer in a relationship with a girl that was anything more than sex. I had my fair share of semi-serious relationships through-out high school but my dating life came to a stand-still during my entire freshman year of university. I wasn't even sure if a relationship was what I wanted with Spencer, we'd only been fooling around for two days for Christ sake's. I just knew that as the butterflies fluttered in my stomach and we stared into each other's eyes, that we were both feeling stronger things towards each other than we ever had before. 

 Two days prior I had never imagined that I would be in such a position. Everything was moving so damn quickly, it was as if we'd been fooling around for months and I'd just realized that I wanted more. There was no way that I could change my feelings toward him so quickly, not unless I felt them toward him before. 

 "It's okay." I whispered out, our faces were inching closer and closer together. His breath fanned across my lips.

 "Are you sure?" His lips brushed against mine with each word he spoke. Our foreheads were rested against one another.

 "Positive." I breathed out before he connected our lips. 

 The kiss was nothing like the others, it was slow and meaningful. There was no urgency, his hands never pawed at my breasts, instead they stayed holding mine. When his tongue eventually did slip into my mouth, it was soft and gentle, I never felt like he was trying to seduce me. The kiss made me feel so many unfamiliar emotions that made my head dizzy.  When his hands did let go of mine it was so that he could wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into him. My hands found their way behind his neck where my fingers played with the ends of his hair. 

 He pulled away for air, his chest rising and falling quickly against mine. "What are you doing to me?" His voice was barely audible but I still caught his words.

 "What do you mean?" I retorted, I looked into his eyes questioningly.

 "This. I mean, I don't fucking kiss people like I just kissed you." He bite out before lifting me as if I weighed two pounds and dropping onto the bed. He got up from the bed quickly and began to stomp toward the bathroom. 

 His mood swings were exhausting, evidently that was the reason I never got involved physically with him before. One minute he was kissing me with more meaning and feeling than I've ever felt and then the next he was being a complete piss baby and acting as if it were my fault that he did what he did. Spencer was the eldest member of our friendship group at twenty-two but some days I wondered if he were twelve. He certainly acted like it. 

 I tried to not think about how I felt, about how his words and actions made me feel. Thirty seconds prior I had warm lava flowing through me, filling me with every part of him and in that moment I felt as if someone dump a bucket of cold water over me. As the bathroom door slammed shut behind Spencer I let out an aggravated groan.

 "You need to grow up." I shouted loud enough so that he could hear me. I got up from the bed and went to lean against the wall next to the bathroom door. He was so hot and cold, I couldn't stand it.

 "Oh fuck off why don't you?" Spencer shouted back. 

 "Stop acting like I'm the fucking problem." I spat back, anger boiled inside of me.

 "It is your fucking fault, if you hadn't seduced me yesterday then this wouldn't have fucking happened!" He came out of the bathroom and started yelling. He was going to attract the company of our friends if he continued on.

 "It was a fucking kiss! We kissed last night, we kissed this morning, what the fuck did that kiss matter? We did much more than kissing yesterday and you didn't have a god damn melt down then." I was seething, he was being a child. I really wasn't in the mood for the argument.

 "None of that meant anything. That kiss we just had? That meant something." He argued. 

 "To you maybe." I muttered. It was a lie, it had meant something to me too, but he didn't need to know that.

 "Don't do that. Don't pretend that I'm a fucking sop and that I felt something there and you didn't. We both know that that is complete bullshit."

 "Can you just stop so that I can sleep? It's probably later than three am right now." I didn't wait for his answer before I crawled into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I closed my eyes and waited for him to turn the lights off and then join me. When he didn't after a few moments I opened my eyes and watched as he changed from his jean shorts to a hair a basketball shorts. I raised my eyebrow in question.

 "I'm going for a run." Was all he said before he turned the light off and began running up the stairs to exit our room. 

 "I hope you get mauled by a bear." I murmured sleepily once he was out of earshot. I snuggled closer into the blankets and let sleep consume me.

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