Spencer: Chapter Seven

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We were driving down the highway, the silence between us was deafening as we traveled to a destination unknown to me. The radio wasn't on, neither of us spoke, the only sounds I could hear were the engine rumbling and my own heavy breathing. I still wasn't entirely sure what I was going to say to him. How was I going to explain my feelings if I didn't entirely understand them myself? I wasn't even sure if he felt the same way. I knew that Long had said that it was a possibility, but it wasn't reassuring anymore.

"Where are we going, Spence?" I finally cracked and asked him. I tried to swallow the desperation in my voice but it came out anyways.

His unreadable eyes glanced over at me before glaring back at the road. "You'll see. We aren't far, be patient." His voice wasn't as cold as his stare but I could tell he was somewhat uncomfortable with the situation. His knuckles were white because of how tightly he held the steering wheel and his knee bobbed anxiously. I'd known Spencer long enough to know when he was nervous. That upset me.

I didn't want him to feel nervous around me. I didn't want his feelings (or lack there of) toward me to make him nervous. I fought back the urge to put a comforting hand on his arm and turned away from him. The forest whizzed by me as we drove, tree and after boring tree zooming in and then out of my vision.

It felt like an eternity had passed when Spencer finally slowed down. I had no idea what town we were in but my eyes widened as he pulled into the parking lot of a motel. Millions of ideas were swirling through my head but I refused to voice any of them. The fact that he was even talking to me was a miracle. I followed him silently up a flight of stairs and onto a balcony which had a row of doors into separate rooms lining it. He stopped in front of the door marked '27' and went inside.

Why did he already have a room key? "How do y-"

My words were cut short by Spencer's lips crashing onto mine. Every nerve in my body went into a frenzy, I felt like I had no control over my body as my fingers wound into his soft hair. I had completely forgotten what I was going to say as his tongue lashed into my mouth. The moan that came from my mouth sounded inhuman as he lifted me off the ground and our tongues mingled together. Within seconds I was on the comfy bed and my shirt was coming off.

I knew that I needed to stop what was happening for my own sake. I knew that I would hate myself afterward. No matter how good everything felt, it had to be stopped. "Spence, stop." My voice was barely above a whisper as he covered my stomach with sloppy kisses. My words didn't deter him as he continued his mission. "Spencer, stop." My voice was louder and more final the second time around. That time, he did hear me.

He looked looked up at me with lust clouding his eyes, I almost gave in and told him to start again. "What's wrong babygirl?" The way he said the nickname made me clench my thighs.

No matter how tempting fucking him and forgetting the night previous sounded, I knew that I couldn't. With a sigh I sat up and grabbed my t-shirt from where it had been thrown at the head of the bed. I pulled the shirt over my head and then moved away from his grasp. "When I said that we needed to talk, I meant it."

He grumbled angrily but positioned himself next to me and waited for me to start.

"Um, had someone told me three days ago that I would be in the place I am now, I would've told them that they were completely insane. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you and I have done the things that we have. Before you, um, went down on me, I had harboured nothing but platonic feelings for you and now I don't know. I don't know what I feel, had last night never happened then maybe we could've gone on being fuck buddies until one of us found someone permanent, I don't know, but that kiss last night...it meant something."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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