Spencer: Chapter Three

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 The kitchen was a complete mess when I entered. The island was littered with cans of beer and dirty dishes. I'd only been gone forty-five minutes but it seemed like much longer as I assessed the state of them once spiffy clean room. Apparently, my friends had decided to make dinner and begin drinking without the likes of myself or Spencer. I rolled my eyes as I began to grab the discarded plates that were haphazardly left piled on top of each other. I vaguely heard my friends who were being extremely loud out on the patio. Faintly, I could hear the shower still running from the basement where Spencer was. 

 The thought of Spencer set my cheeks aflame with part embarrassment and part giddiness. I finally understood what all the girls who had been with Spencer were talking about when they said that he was good in bed. I never thought that I would end up being a notch of Spencer's belt but there I was, the newest in a long line of notches. I was somewhat okay with it though, it's not like I wanted to have him eat me out and then marry me. Hell, I hadn't even planned on the damn thing happening, it just did. 

 As I collected empty cans of beer and put them into a garbage bin I wondered how awkward things would be between he and I tonight as we slept in the same bed. Would he make another move on me or would he act like nothing happened? As much as part of me wanted to forget the whole thing even happened, I wasn't sure if I could just act normal around the man who had given me one of, if not best,  orgasms I had ever experienced. It would be like a newly rehabilitated meth addict finding their poison underneath their pillow on their first night of freedom. 

 Perhaps, I would walk into our shared bedroom that night and he would pounce on me, demand the release he'd never gotten hours prior. I would gladly give it to him, if his dick were as impressive as all the women before me said it was, then I would have no problem in enjoying myself while giving him the best head of his life. 

 My dirty thoughts were swiftly interrupted by Christian stumbling into the cottage. His cup of what I assumed to be beer sloshed in his hand and he looked at me with a goofy smile. I could tell that he wasn't drunk yet but knowing Christian, he would be absolutely polluted soon enough.

 "Why aren't you out there?" He asked once he reached the kitchen. He took a seat on one of the many stools surrounding the island and balanced his head in his hands. He watched me tentatively as I cleaned up the last of the mess in the room. 

 "It was a damn mess in here, you know I couldn't just leave it looking like a pigsty." I muttered before sitting on the stool opposite him.  

 "Spence isn't going to give you too much trouble is he?" Christian asked after a few moments in comfortable silence. I shot my head up to look at him and watched a very serious look grace his face. Christian and I had always had a brother/sister type relationship and I figured that he would've been wary of making me sleep in the same bed as Spencer.

 I gave him a soft smile and shook my head. " Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, I can handle Spencer if I need to." I joked while snatching his cup of beer away from him and taking a long gulp. I had never particularly enjoyed the taste of beer and grimaced once I put the cup back in its original spot. Christian was staring at me, slack jawed, with playful anger dancing in his eyes. He stood abruptly, holding his cup of beer behind him defensively. He began backing away from me until he was out of sight. I soon heard the door open and then close. 

 I laughed under my breath before getting up from my spot and walking to the sink. I squirted some berry smelling dish soap onto a hand cloth and turned on the tap. I proceeded to wash all of the dirty plates. I felt the need to have a shower even though I'd had one just before we had begun unpacking the suitcases from the cars. Showers always helped me think though, I needed to think. I was probably reading too far into what had happened but it had taken me off guard. I had never been attracted to Spencer in any way and as far as I knew, he was never attracted to me, so how had we just fooled around? An hour ago, I had no attraction to him at all but now, whenever he floated into my head my thighs would clench together in need. 

 Think of the devil and he shall appear. "Your ass looks so fucking good in these pants." Spencer's voice sounded like a groan as he came up behind me and ground his hips into my butt. I tried to squirm out of his hold but he wrapped his arms tightly around my hips and made sure to keep me in place. He began trailing slow kisses up my neck which had me closing my eyes and biting my lip to keep from moaning. "You look better in my clothes though." He whispered hotly against my ear before nibbling on my earlobe. 

 I whimpered, "Spencer, we can't." I turned in his arms and looked him in the eye. I tried my best to seem convincing, to seem like my body wasn't desperately calling to him. He didn't answer to my protests, instead, his large hand cupped my cheek before he smashed his lips onto mine. All of my previous worries flew out the window and my hands quickly found their way to his damp hair. The kiss was more passionate than the first, his tongue caressed mine slower and his hands were more gentle as they trailed down my body. 

 I let out a surprised squeak when he picked me up by my thighs. He chuckled against my lips before shuffling away from the sink and placed me on the counter-top. I instantly wrapped my legs around his body as his hands explored my torso. One of his cool hands slipped under my shirt causing goosebumps to rise on my skin and a small gasp to leave my lips. 

 "I fucking knew it." The boisterous voice of Jake filled the room and caused Spencer and I to jump apart. My eyes were wide as I stared at a chortling Jake, my mouth was opening and closing almost robotically. I was at a loss for words, I knew that I needed to say something but I couldn't exactly tell him that what he saw wasn't actually happening. Last I checked, Jake had 20/20 vision. I glanced at Spencer to see him looking much less distressed than I was. "I knew it. As soon as he fucking said that you guys were sharing a room. I knew you were fucking." Jake sounded like he had just discovered buried treasure, his voice laced with glee. 

 "Jake, I..." I trailed off. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Spencer looked up at me with my flushed face and gave me a sympathetic smile. I buried my face in my hands. I knew that the situation wasn't life ending. We weren't in high school anymore, I didn't have to worry about rumours spreading or anything, but I knew what my friends would think. I would never live this down for as long as I lived. "Can you please not tell anyone?" I murmured while giving Jake the best puppy dog face I could muster.

 Jake let out an over-dramatic sigh. "I don't know Alice...Can I keep my mouth shut?" His voice was leaking with sarcasm while he made grand hand gestures. I rolled my eyes at his childishness and hopped down from the counter.

 "Dude, stop being an asshole." Spencer muttered while leaning against the island, his eyes staring blankly toward our friend. 

 Jake gave us each a defeated look before holding his hands up in surrender. "Fine, I won't tell anyone that you two are canoodling." Jake laughed, pleased with his statement before walking to the fridge. He grabbed a 6-pack and proceeded to leave without another word. 

 I let out a sigh of relief once the back door closed behind him. "He is so immature." I said while rolling my eyes. Spencer let out a grunt in agreement before caging me against the counter. 

 His eyes clouded over with lust. "Where were we?" His voice was dripping with seduction but I really wasn't in the mood anymore. 

 I pushed him away. "Not anymore." I began walking away from him and toward the back door. I wanted to be with my friends, too many things had happened in that last hour, I needed some normality. I was also craving a drink, forgetting about the mess that was today seemed like a good idea.

 "Alice, wait!" Spencer called to me but I just kept walking. I ignored the rest of his calls and proceeded out the back door and onto the patio where my friends were all residing.

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