Spencer: Chapter Four

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 "Are you okay?" Abi asked me with concern in her eyes. In her hands was a half empty can of beer and her head bobbed lightly to the pop beat that was playing through the radio. 

 I gave her the most reassuring smile I could muster. "Yeah, I'm fine." I took a sip of my cooler, the sweet taste invading my mouth. Abi didn't look completely convinced but she left the subject alone, turning to tell Sophia something I couldn't hear. I let out a low sigh while my eyes landed on Spencer. He was playing washer-toss in the yard with Long. By the grunting that I'd heard Spencer doing for the past hour, I could tell he was losing. The constant clang as the washer landed into the wooden box was proving to be annoying. 

 Without another word or glance to any of my friends, I got up from my seat and proceeded into the cottage. I walked down to my room and flopped onto the bed. I was tired, it was only nine o'clock but I felt like it was past midnight. I closed my eyes and got comfortable on the big bed. My peace and quiet lasted about five seconds before someone, probably Spencer, began thumping their way down to the room. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked up at the man standing in the doorway. I leaned up on my elbows, my eyes trained on Spencer who was leaning in the door frame. 

 "Hi." I spoke barely above a whisper. 

 Spencer raised his eyebrow at me. "Are you out of your mood now?" His voice had an edge to it and it made me roll my eyes. He pushed himself out of his leaning position and walked over to a dresser and began digging through one of the drawers.

 "I was never in a mood." I muttered defensively even though i knew it was a lie. I had been in a mood but it didn't have much to do with him. I was more mad at myself for being so careless and letting Spencer and I make-out in such an open space. We had been asking to be caught and that's exactly what had happened. 

 Spencer snorted loudly. "Whatever you say, baby girl." I watched as he pulled his T-shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. His back muscles flexed and I studied the black star he had tattooed on his left shoulder. We all had the same tattoo, once Sophia (the youngest of our group) turned eighteen the year previous the seven of us all went into a tattoo shop and each got the solid black star tattooed somewhere on our bodies. Mine was on my wrist, Spencer's on his shoulder. The tattoo made me smile despite my sour mood.

 "Don't call me that." I hissed at him as my annoyance settled back in. 

 Spencer whipped around and squinted at me. He stalked toward me, his knees hitting the bed before he leaned down in his hands. His breath fanned against my face and I was frozen. "Can I only call you baby girl when my head is between your thighs then?" His words made my thighs clench together. His voice was husky as his face inched closer to mine. For a fleeting moment, I wanted to let it happen, I wanted to let him kiss me, but soon enough the moment was gone and I was pushing his naked chest to get him away from me.

"I can't believe you!" I exclaimed. The anger was evident in my tone. Spencer looked at me in a perplexed kind of way before standing from his position. I wanted to hit him. "You're such a fucking pervert!" I was yelling now and in no time at all, I would attract the attention of my friends.

"Why exactly are you yelling at me?" He raised an eyebrow in question. 

I was practically seeing red with anger. "You fucking think that I'm just your play thing. That just because you got to give me head automatically means that we owe each other sexual favours." I was going to begin crying if I continued on my rant. 

His eyebrows scrunched together. "What the hell are you talking about? I never said anything like that. Fucking excuse me for wanting to fuck you." He was beginning to get angry as well. His hands were fisted together at his sides.

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