Spencer: Chapter Six

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 I woke up in an empty bed, Spencer's side hadn't been touched. After I showered, brushed my teeth, and changed into a new outfit, I made my way upstairs. I had been trying my damnedest not to think about Spencer. I didn't want to be concerned with where he was, after the way he had acted the night previous, I shouldn't've cared if he were half way across the world on that run of his. I did care though and it was aggravating as hell. There was a pit in my stomach just thinking about it.

 "Hey." I sing-songed to Long as I stepped into the living room. I forced Spencer out of my head and smacked a smile on my face. Long was still half asleep, laying on the sofa with blankets wrapped around him. His hair was a tangled mess that resembled a beehive, it made me giggle.

 "Hi." Long groaned out while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

 "It's noon, you've gotta get up." I shook his shoulder lightly. He quickly swatted my hand away and turned away from me.  "C'mon Long, don't be so difficult." I began shaking him again until he turned to look at me with irritated eyes. 

The look of annoyance soon left his face and he looked at me carefully. "What happened with you and Spencer last night?" Long asked softly, his big eyes were curious. 

 The pit returned to my stomach. "What did you hear?" There was no point in beating-around-the-bush with Long, he would know I was lying if I acted as if nothing happened. 

 Long stretched his lengthy arms above his head and have me a small smile. "How's about I get dressed and we go for a walk along the lake? It's more private if we talk there." Long always seemed to get me better than anyone else. 

 I graciously nodded my head. "Thank you so much." I gave him a quick hug once he stood up and watched him retreat to the bathroom with his backpack full of clothes slung over his shoulder.

 "Anything for my favourite human being!" Long yelled over his shoulder what laughter in his voice.

 I figured that I should eat something before Long and I's walk and talk. The smell of bacon filled my nose as I made my way into the kitchen. Sophia was hunched over the stove as the bacon crackled in the pan, Jake and Christian were both sitting at the island, and Abi was sitting on the counter while munching a piece of toast. A chorus of 'good morning' and 'morning's were said to me by each of my friends. 

 "Morning, guys." I replied before sitting on the last stool available. I plopped down next to Jake who gave me a smirk, the kind of smirk that shared secrets. I sneered at him before turning away, I didn't need him to bring up Spencer and I, especially after what happened the night before. Even if there were a chance that all of my friends heard Spencer and I's argument, I really didn't want to have to explain our relationship to them, they wouldn't understand. 

 "Want some bacon, Alice?" Sophia asked me in her quiet voice, I watched as Christian smiled fondly at her. Jealousy formed in the pit of my stomach as I watched the way his whole face lit up when she spoke. I wanted that with someone, I wanted someone to look at me like I was the only person in the world that mattered. Instead, I was stuck sleeping with the single most infuriating person I'd ever laid eyes on that wouldn't look at me like that if his life depended on it.

 "Please." I replied to Sophia's question. It was then that I realized that Spencer was still missing. I wanted to ask, I wanted to ask really badly if any of them knew where he was but I also didn't want anyone to panic. For all I knew he could've just been sitting out on the deck. Or he was mauled by a bear, just like I had wanted hours prior. 

 I shoved my thoughts away once my plate of bacon was sat in front of me and Long came out from changing and waltzed into the kitchen. He had replaced his pajama pants for shorts and a T-shirt and he had also brushed his long hair. He snatched a piece of crispy bacon off of my plate and ate it with a devious smile. I swatted his arm before laughing quietly. The same chorus of 'good morning's that were said to me were then said to Long. 

 "Good morning." Long replied cheerily while sporting a large grin. Clearly his sour mood from being woken up earlier had vanished.

 I put my empty plate in the sink once I finished eating and turned to Long. "You ready?" 

 Long nodded, "Allie and I are gonna go on a walk. We'll be back in a bit." Neither of us waited for our friends' responses as we made our way of the front door and toward the lake. The sun beat down on us as we kicked our shoes of and began walking bare foot down the sandy beach. "S-"

 "I fucked Spencer." I blurted out, cutting Long off. I peaked up at Long expecting to see shock showing in his features, instead he seemed unfazed.

 "I know." He stated simply.

 "What? How?" My voice was small and anxious. Had Jake told everyone? 

 "Let's just say that you two were never very quiet during your more intimate times." Long's voice was playful but I could tell that he was treading lightly. 

 Heat rose to my cheeks and I giggled. Not a second later I was crying, it came from nowhere and it wouldn't stop. In no time I was a blubbering mess and Long pulled me into his side as we walked. "I'm so confused." I sobbed into his shirt. 

 Long waited for me to calm down before speaking.We;d both sat in the sand so that I could catch my breath and collect myself.

 "I fucking hate this so much." I whispered to myself more than him.

 "You can't change the way you feel." Long reasoned while rubbing my back soothingly.

 "I know I can't but I don't even understand what I'm feeling. It was just sex, we were just messing around and then last night we kissed and there was so much emotion in it and I've never felt like that with anyone before and he freaked out and left and he isn't back yet and fuck." I rambled on like a mad woman. When I forced myself to stop talking, the tears were returning to my eyes. "I wish I could hate him." I mumbled sadly while burying my head in my hands.

 "How do you know he doesn't feel the same way about you?" Long's question caught me off guard. Just because Spencer had said that the kiss had meant something didn't mean that he had feelings for me.

 "Because he's Spencer Rance? Because the only woman he's ever loved or even cared about is his mother? Because he's been fucking and dumping girls since our freshman year of high school? He couldn't have actual feelings for someone if he tried." I felt like a deflated balloon as I spoke, the air and energy was slowly seeping out of me. Of course I would end up getting feelings for someone unattainable. 

 "Well, I'm not in Spencer's head so I can't tell you for certain whether he has feelings for you or not," Long stood up and quickly pulled me up with him. "but I can tell you that you scare the hell out of him. I've never seen him so angry over a girl, I bet you he's feeling as confused and conflicted as you are right now." We started walking back toward Jake's cottage as I considered his words. It felt unlikely that Spencer was really letting last night get to him but for some reason, a part of me held onto the hope. 

 "Thanks for the talk Long, I really needed it." I thanked my best friend as we entered the driveway to the cottage. 

 "Anytime, Allie." Long replied before he froze. He was staring at a black SUV, Spencer's black SUV. My stomach lurched, I suppose he finally got back in. I could see Spencer in the driver's side mirror and I forced the sick feeling out of my stomach. 

 With purpose in my stride I walked to the passenger side of the SUV and climbed in. Spencer looked surprised to see me as his eyebrows rose.

 "We need to talk."

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