Spencer: Chapter Two

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I let out a loud huff as I dropped the last suitcase onto the cottage's living room floor. The rest of my friends were sat lazily in the various seats in the living room, joking around, enjoying themselves. I smiled slightly before taking a seat on the floor. I made sure that Spencer's shirt covered my panties before I got comfortable. My eyes landed on Spencer who was sat in a leather Lay-Z-boy recliner, his face a large scowl. He'd been in a mood ever since I got him all riled up earlier that day. Part of me found his immature behaviors amusing, but another part of me just found it annoying. He was acting like a child.

"Okay guys, there are three bedrooms and seven of us so, two to a room and one on the couch." Jake spoke loudly while we all quieted down and everyone turned to listen to what he had to say. Jake opened his mouth to continue but Long's deep voice beat him to it.

"I'm on the couch. Don't want to sleep next to any of you losers." Long spoke with a large grin while flopping onto the sofa, landing on Christian and Sophia who both let out loud groans in protest.

I giggled and stood from my spot on the floor, making eye contact with Abi. I raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking her if we could stay in the same room. She smiled toothily and nodded her head. I sighed in relief before making my way across the room to where she was sat. I barely made it two feet in the direction of Abi when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into someone's lap.

"We're going to share a room, okay baby?" Spencer's voice was husky as he whispered in my ear. I whimpered but nodded. I wasn't all that keen on sleeping next to Spencer of all people but I didn't want to be rude, especially after what I did earlier. One of his hands wrapped around my hip and he gripped his T-shirt that was cloaked on my body. "My shirt looks so fucking good on you." He let out a groan and pulled me even closer into his body. I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and I buried my face in my hands.

"Um, okay then. Abi you wanna bunk with me?" I vaguely heard Jake speaking, I was too busy wallowing in embarrassment. I felt Spencer's hand curl around my upper thigh and on reflex I squirmed further into his chest. I felt Spencer's chest rumble with a chuckle and his hand gave my thigh a squeeze.

"Anyone want to volunteer for the bedroom in the basement?" Jake's voice brought me back to reality and I turned my head to look at him. His eyebrows were raised in question and he looked at each of our faces.

"Me and Alice can, right baby?" Spencer whispered the last part in my ear. I winced but nodded. I opened my eyes to see that everyone was staring at us.

"Alright. I'm taking my suitcase to my room then. See you all when I'm done." I stated while standing from Spencer's lap and making my way over to my red suitcase. I was desperate to leave the awkward tension in the room and knew I could probably find the basement on my own. I gave my friend's a sarcastic wave before leaving the room and pulling my suitcase behind me. Once in the hall, I began opening each door I passed.

I opened doors to bathrooms and broom closets and bedrooms but none of them opened to the basement. I let out an angry groan before opening the last door in the hall. To my relief, the door opened to a set of stairs leading to a shadowy abyss. Squinting in the darkness, I began to descend the staircase. My hands brushed against the wall and I let out a sigh of relief when my fingers made contact with a light switch.

My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings. There was a large bed on the wall opposite to me that was covered by a bright red blanket. All of the furniture had the same dark wood stain and the plush white carpet tickled my bare feet. The room was gorgeous and the bed looked so inviting, for a moment, I forgot that Spencer would be sharing that very bed with me. For a few short seconds, I appreciated the room for its beauty. Of course, all good things must come the an end.

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