「 New Friends 」

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"Haruka! How are you?"

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"Haruka! How are you?"

"Shh, Tomo-chan. (First Name)-chan is still sleeping."

Stirring from your sleep, you groggily parted your eyelids to pay heed to the giggles erupting from the opposite end of the room. Lifting your body, you framed your attention toward the girl currently squeezing the life out of Haruka. Her red hair was long and curly, and even though the only light poking into the room came from the cracks between the curtain, her strands still carried a fiery brightness.

Upon pulling yourself upward, the two girls broke from their hugs and shifted their gazes in your direction. Almost immediately, the extremely pretty girl came up to you, a playful look in her eye.

"So you're the famous (First Name)?" Although startled she knew who you are, the girl hurriedly introduced herself. "Tomochika Shibuya, but you can call me Tomo. I'm Haruka's bestie."

"We met back at Saotome Academy," Haruka enlightened you.

After giving your eyelids one last rub and accepting the fact that morning had arrived after a short glance at your cell, Haruka politely asked if she can turn on the light to which you waved her off to do.

"Sorry," Tomochika told you after you slipped out of bed. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's all right; I slept in pretty late anyway," you replied. "I'll just get ready."

Relieved, Tomochika smiled once more. After compiling a change of clothes and addressing Haruka with a quick nod, you made your way into the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Your morning routine didn't take too long, and outside the bathroom door you could hear Haruka and Tomochika vivaciously catching up as if they hadn't seen each other in so long.

By the time you were ready to go and exited the bathroom, you discreetly noted the two girls were seated on Haruka's neatly made bed while you went to put away your pyjamas. In the light, you could really see how pretty Tomochika really was. They met back in Saotome Academy, huh? Was it possible she was an idol then?

"More importantly, aren't you going to spill?"

You hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but Tomochika was naturally loud, unlike the timid Haruka beside her.

"I'm talking about STARISH," she continued. "Have you spoken to them yet?"

You quietly took a seat on your own bed. Fortunately, the two girls didn't seem to mind your presence. Without consulting Haruka, you didn't specifically have anything to do. You were like her assistant in that manner. It was nice they weren't so guarded around you though, as it would've left for an awkward experience.

"It's. . . not exactly easy," Haruka eventually told her.

"I'd think so," Tomochika sighed, leaning back on her hands. "Still, they should be wishing for your happiness instead of making you feel all this guilt. It's not like you intentionally became as beautiful and talented as you are."

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