Concluding Remarks

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Thank you so much for reading to the end!

I'm glad to finally close the curtains to this fanfic. I've been working on this story for years. Literally. I wrote most of it in like 2017. Of course, I was too scared to actually post it until somewhat recently. I did post it years back but that never worked out and I eventually took it down. I even remember some very kind person drew fanart of Otoya and Ren based on chapter 1 of this fic which was so touching. I feel bad for taking it down but I really didn't make progress for years. Had a bunch of self-doubt about whether or not I was doing our UtaPri boys justice and if it was decent. This is my first legitimate fanfic and my first reader insert so that also posed difficulties. But I've finally finished this fanfic after so long! Yay!

The ending was rather rushed because I totally winged the story. After the whole heartbreak conflict was resolved, there was little to build off of, and I found myself stuck. Regardless, I hope it was a satisfying read.

I have plans to write fanfics for the other STARISH boys. So far, I have a Tokiya x reader x Masato fic and a Syo x reader x Kaoru fic (may as well make this a series at this point, and write Cecil and Natsuki fanfics too 'cuz I have IDEAS). Again, they'll likely take me a while because inspiration is fickle but hopefully one day I will post them.

If you'd like, please tell me what you thought about the fanfic! <3


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