「 Gratitude 」

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You spotted Otoya out on the main field after Tokiya excused himself from the living room

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You spotted Otoya out on the main field after Tokiya excused himself from the living room.

He was by himself, donned in a sleeveless dark red sweater, a dark blue tank top, paired with light grey shorts. A large grin painted his face as he kicked around a soccer ball, pausing to juggle it in the air or shooting into a minuscule net nearby. He had to have been out here for a while, considering how much he was heaving, beads of sweat trickling down his built arms and forehead.

You hadn't even realized how long you'd been watching him until you finally came to your senses. Although he was by himself, Otoya simply had a strong enough charm to leave you awestruck. Was it because it looked as if he was having so much fun? Or that the silly smile plastered onto his face as he jogged up and down the field was grand enough to blind you?

These idols could really be doing anything and yet effortlessly succeed to capture the hearts of their fans. It was unfair how endearing they were.

When Otoya stopped to catch his breath, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, it was if a realization had come to his mind. Instead of sticking around to confirm it, you pivoted on the balls of your feet and sped in the direction of the kitchen. It took a bit of searching but you eventually located a plastic water bottle in the fridge. After glazing over Natsuki's teddy bear tea set—freshly washed and placed on the nearby counter—you hastened back in the direction of the field.

"Otoya," you called once outside.

Otoya who'd flicked the ball in the air with his toes allowed it to fall back down. After resting his sneaker above the leather, he spared a glance over his shoulder, only to have his eyes widen. "(First Name)?"

You speed-walked down the field and when you finally arrived in front of him, extended it for him to receive. "Here."

Shock seared across his face. "For me?" he asked, taking it. "I was just thinking to head back inside for one. How'd you know?"

"I may or may not have psychic abilities."

Stars filled his eyes. "R-really?"

You laughed. He was gullible. "No, not really. I actually saw you from the window and assumed you might need one." You beckoned toward the exact one for emphasis. "Why are you up so early?"

"Uh, I couldn't sleep," he replied with an awkward chuckle. "Cecil may not look like it, but he rarely sleeps at night. He's either off humming to himself or watching TV programs until the morning. Then during the day, he's always napping in random areas of the building or outside under the shade. It's hard to believe Camus-senpai used to room with him. At least when I roomed with Tokiya, he'd be the one yelling at me to go to bed early since we had a ton on our plates."

He paused to take big gulps of water from the bottle all the while you processed his words.

Imagining Cecil staying up late and lazing the daytime away kind of reminded you of a cat. At least one mystery was solved about that cryptic prince. . .

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