VI. Tunneling Escape

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The scratching continued, growing more and more intense.

"Hurry, Mum," Mr. Beaver warned. "They're after us!"

"Right then," Mrs. Beaver replied. "Mila, fetch me the -- Thank you for the jam, dear."

"What is she doing?" Susan asked. "And Mila?"

Mrs. Beaver smiled softly. "Don't worry, you'll thank me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry."

"I'm cranky now!" Mr. Beaver cried.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan wondered.

"Only if the Witch has toast," Peter answered sarcastically.

"Or if we're hungry," Mila added jokingly, earning a look from Peter and Susan. "Admittedly, I am a little hungry."

They made their way down a secret tunnel. "This should lead to my friend's." Mr. Beaver informed.

Mrs. Beaver frowned. "You told me it led to your mum's."

Mila heard scuffling and crashing. "We don't have time for squabbling. They're growing closer!"

Moments later, Lucy exclaimed, "They're in the tunnel!"

The tunnel led them to a dead end. "You should've brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver stated.

"There was no room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver retorted, jumping from a hole.

With no map, they eventually made their way to the exit. Lucy fell on stone figures and Mila helped her up. Together, the girls investigated them. Mr. Beaver stepped closer to one of the figures. "He was my best mate."

"What happened here?" Peter wondered quietly.

"This is what happens to those who cross the Witch," a Fox replied, stepping out from the shadows.

"Stand still there, traitor," Mr. Beaver warned.

As though Mila sensed his gentleness, she stepped between the Fox and Mr. Beaver. The Fox gave her a nod of appreciation as he said, "Thank you, my lady. Relax. I'm one of the good guys."

Mr. Beaver frowned. "Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones."

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can discuss family breeding later. Right now, we need to move."

"What do you have in mind?" Peter asked.

The Fox told them to climb the tree behind them, so they did.

A pack of wolves soon appeared and stalked towards the fox. They began circling him and the Fox took on a cocky tone of voice. "Greetings, gents. Did we lose something?"

Maugrim growled in annoyance. "Don't patronise me. I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans."

The Fox laughed. "Humans in Narnia? Now, that's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?"

"Where are they?!" Maugrim demanded, grabbing the Fox's fur.

Lucy's quiet gasp was heard and Peter covered her mouth. Eventually, the Fox gave in. "North. They ran north."

"Quickly. Smell them out."

As soon as the wolves left, the children and Beavers' climbed down from the tree. As soon as they reached the ground, Mila made her way to the Fox to treat his wound.

"Are you all right?" Lucy asked worriedly.

The Fox let out a small chuckle, wincing as Mila treated him. "Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite."

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