twenty two

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When Finn and I get backstage, we're greeted by Bayley and Sasha Banks. "I didn't think the rumors were true," Bayley says. "Welcome back, Finn."

Finn laughs and says, "Thanks, Bayley. Nice to see ya too, Sasha."

"You as well, Finn," Sasha says. "You're dressed. Do you have a match?"

I look up at Finn and he says, "I have a little thing with Roman that's gonna be the main event tonight. A Survivor Series hype match."

Bayley says, "Well good luck in your match. And you too, Tayla."

I squint my eyes at Bayley and say, "I have all the luck I need. Do you?"

She rolls her eyes and walks away with Sasha.

Carmella comes back from her match with Bianca Belair. She looks rough. I say, "Damn, Mella. What happened?"

"I won but that shit was tough," she says. "I get why they call her the EST of WWE."

I laugh and she walks back to the locker rooms. Bayley and Sasha make their entrances and I turn to Finn. "So, I'm gonna say that I brought a special guest from NXT with me to Smackdown. Everyone will probably know who I'm talking about but come out when I say you're name," I say. "I'm gonna hype up your main roster return."

My music hits and I take a microphone as I head out to the stage.

When I make my entrance and slide into the ring. My music fades and I hold my mic up, getting ready to talk.

"Before this match gets started," I say. "I have someone I'd like everyone to meet. He's a very good friend of mine. Making his main roster return and Smackdown debut, my friend and NXT champion Finn Balor."

The crowd almost loses it as Finn's music hits. They lose it even more when they see that Finn's in his ring gear. He makes his way down to the ring and he stands beside me.

Bayley and Sasha stand in their respective corners and look at me. I glance up at Finn and he's looking around. He looks so happy to be back on the main roster, even for a night. It makes me so happy to see him happy.

The in-ring announcer says, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat match to the Smackdown Women's Championship."

The crowd cheers. "Introducing first the challengers. First, we have the longest reigning Smackdown Women's Champion Bayley," the announcer says.

After a second of cheers, the announcer says, "Next, we have the Boss, Sasha Banks." More cheers.

The announcer says, "And accompanied to the ring by NXT Champion Finn Balor, she is the Smackdown Women's Champion, Tay Reigns." Loud cheers. The loudest of the three of us.

I take my belt and hold it up, tapping it. I hand it to the referee, who takes it and holds it up. Finn hops out of the ring and looks up at me before he says, "Ya got this."

I smile as the bell rings.

The momentum is in Sasha's favor at the beginning of the match as she goes off on both me and Bayley. I fight back as much as I can but she puts me in the Bank Statement. I never tap but Bayley breaks up the submission attempt. The two go after each other and I roll in the corner. I sit up as the two women go at it.

Finn runs up to me in the corner and says, "Imagine the crowd reaction if ya hit the Coup or 1916. I give ya full permission to use my moves."

I look over at Finn and I say, "You're a genius sometimes. You know that?"

He laughs and says, "I am sometimes, aren't I?"

Bayley tosses Sasha out of the ring and I hear Sasha grunt as she hits the floor. I stare up at Bayley and she looks at me.

i'm not yours | f.balorWhere stories live. Discover now