thirty one

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We get to Finn's apartment and I see Adam Cole carrying a box into the building. I look at Finn before getting out of his car. I see Jake Atlas too and I walk up to him. "Are these my things?" I ask.

Jake nods and says, "Mhm. Vince told us what happened and that we needed to go get your things. By the way, if I ever see Tony, I'm beating his ass for what he did to you."

I say, "You don't need to. I already got him back."

"By doing what?" Jake asks as I see Adam and Kyle O'Reilly come out of the building. Finn helps bring my things in.

I look up at Jake and I say, "By kissing Finn. I knew kissing Finn would piss him off so I did it, and I threatened him."

Jake says, "Wait, hold on. You kissed Finn to make your ex angry?"

I nod and say, "He cheated on me, Jake. Almost a dozen times. I wanted to make him as angry as he made me. He hates Finn for whatever reason even though he has no reason to."

Finn comes up and wraps an arm around my shoulders gently and he says, "Ya don't have to kiss me when ya want to make your ex mad. Kiss me anytime ya want." He kisses my cheek and I push him away, laughing. He takes a box and walks inside.

Jake looks back at me and asks, "Did I miss something between you and Finn?"

Shaking my head, I say, "No. You didn't. He's just messing with me. I think."

He laughs and says, "Well, he looks at you like he loves you or something."

I laugh and help the guys get my things inside. Everyone has me set up in Finn's extra bedroom. I'll still sleep in Finn's bed tonight because his parents are staying in the extra bedroom right now.

Finn takes his parents out for dinner so I can get set up in my new temporary room. Jake stays behind and helps me unpack since I'm down to one arm. Adam and his boys leave to go train.

Jake unpacks my bathroom supplies, putting them in the small bathroom that's connected to the room. I unpack my bras, underwear, and socks while he does that so he can help me unpack my clothes without having to see my bras. Finn would not like that very much.

Once my underwear and everything is unpacked, Jake comes back in to help me hang up my clothes and put my shoes in the closet.

"What do you think about Finn?" Jake suddenly asks. "I mean, you like him enough to move in with him while you recover."

I laugh and say, "I think he's a good guy. I mean, he fought off Tony so he wouldn't hurt me anymore so obviously he cares about me."

Jake says, "If he's willing to fight off your ex for you then I would say that he definitely cares about you. A lot."

I smile and hang up a shirt. My face heats up and I know I'm blushing. Jake comes up next to me to hang up a shirt and he looks over at me.

"Oh my God," he says. "You're blushing. Do you have a thing for Finn Balor?"

I shake my head frantically and say, "No! I don't have a thing for Finn Balor. He's like my best friend."

Jake looks at me and says, "Tayla, you look at me like I'm your best friend. You don't look at Finn like that. You look at Finn like he's your world, Tay. He looks at you the same way and you're going to pretend that the two of you don't have feelings for each other."

I shrug and lie, "I don't know how Finn feels about me." I know how Finn feels toward me. I think I know how he feels toward me. He kisses me, he's done sexual things with me, and he let me move in with him. He definitely likes me enough to do those things with me.

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