forty seven

625 13 0

The two other nurses help me back into bed. They check my vitals as Finn runs into the room. "Tayla," he pants.

I look at him as he runs to me. I sit up and pull him down to me, kissing him. I feel safe again now that Finn's here with me. I begin to cry a bit, letting out what I've been feeling for the past ten minutes.

He pulls back from the kiss and he hugs me tight. I put my face into his shoulder, closing my eyes.

Finn sits back down and I look up at him. My hands are on his face. My sight is blurry with tears as Finn says, "I was pleading with them to let me back in. I was trying to explain the situation. Then the nurse from earlier came to get me. Tayla, your neck is bruised again."

"Please never leave me, Finn," I say, pleading with him. "Please."

He shakes his head and says, "I'll never leave ya, Tayla."

I pull Finn back down to me, kissing him. His lips move roughly against mine as I kiss him. I squeeze a few tears out as I share the kiss with Finn.

The door to the hospital room opens and my brother says, "Ew, oh my God. Finn, you've been here the entire time and you're sucking my sister's face like you haven't."

Finn pulls back and I look at my brother, Jey, Jimmy, and Mella as they walk into the room.

"Wait," Jey says. "Finn and Tayla?"

I look at Jey and ask, "You didn't know?"

My cousin shakes his head and Roman says, "Only a few people know. Jey and Jimmy didn't."

Jimmy says, "We're fam and you didn't tell us?"

"No one really thought about it," I admit.

Finn holds my hand as he sits on the bed with me. I play with his fingers and Jey asks, "Tayla, why's your neck all black and blue?"

I say, "Um, Tony showed up. He made them kick Finn out and I was left alone with him. He almost choked me out. Then he put his hand on my thigh and he kissed my jaw." My voice starts to shake as I talk. Finn's eyes widen.

Roman says, "I'm gonna kill him."

Finn lays in bed with me and holds me in his arms. I bury my face in his neck as Finn says, "I'll get in on this."

Jey and Jimmy say the same thing. Mella says, "Can I get his bitch of an assistant?"

I laugh a little bit. My doctor comes back in, seeing everyone. "Oh, a lot of wrestlers in this room," he says, laughing softly. "I heard what happened and I wanted to come and check to make sure nothing was damaged."

My doctor comes to my bedside and checks my throat. He determines that nothing is damaged and that the skin is just bruised.

"I'd like to keep you overnight for observation," my doctor says. "Just to make sure that everything is alright with your throat and concussion. I'm guessing you're Finn Balor?" He's looking at Finn, who hasn't moved out of my bed.

Finn nods and says, "That's me."

My doctor says, "You can stay overnight with her to make sure she's safe but you can't stay in the bed with her because of all the wires. There is a shower in the bathroom if you need it since this is a private room. The IV needs to stay in if you shower since you haven't had anything to keep you hydrated today."

I nod and Roman says, "We'll head back to the hotel. What should I tell Vince because he needs to know?"

I look at Roman and say, "Tell him I have a concussion and I'll be out a few weeks. Explain that it was Tony that gave it to me. If he has any questions then he can call me."

i'm not yours | f.balorWhere stories live. Discover now