Hellfire: Scorpion

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(Scorpion teleports in a fiery blaze)

Joker: Great gag

Scorpion: The princess. Where is she?

Joker: Princess? Didn't I kill the last guy who called me that? He should have known I'M the only Joker around here!

Scorpion: (Absolute silence)

(Scorpion walks away as he gets hit in the head with a boxing glove)

Joker: OOPS! WhERe dId tHAt ComE FRoM?

Scorpion: You will pay for that. WITH YOUR LIFE!

(Scorpion fights Joker and wins with a spinning kick)

(As Joker lies on the ground battered and bruised, Scorpion teleports away)

(Joker groans)

Lex Luthor: Hello Joker. Looks like you could use some help. I already have a few recruits. How would you like to join us?

(Joker laughs)


Soldier: Diana. You've returned

Wonder Woman: Not for long. Batman has requested my presence. Earth is being split just as Themyscira has by forces we do not yet understand. I've returned to ready the amazons for war

Soldier: And what of Rain?

Wonder Woman: If Rain, or Shang Tsung or anyone who isn't ours comes back, engage them on sight

(Scorpion teleports in with a fiery blaze)

(Wonder Woman senses Scorpion's evil)

Wonder Woman: Great Hera... Who are you? And what business do you have on Themyscira?

Scorpion: I am Scorpion. I seek the princess

Wonder Woman: I am princess of earth. You may speak to me, Scorpion. Batman told me of your battle

Scorpion: You are not the princess I seek

Wonder Woman: You may not roam this island at will. Even though you are an invader I promise you, if you come with me, you will not be harmed

(Scorpion launches his rope spear at Wonder Woman, who blocks it with her bracelet)

Scorpion: You cannot harm me

(Scorpion's eyes glow yellow)

Scorpion: But I will show you the meaning of pain!

(Scorpion fights Wonder Woman and wins with a jump kick)

Scorpion: Hmph. The princess is not here

(The amazons come running)

(Scorpion teleports away)

Amazons: Charge!

Rain: Oh great

(Rain starts fighting the amazon warriors)

(Meanwhile, in Metropolis)

Scorpion: She is near...

Superman: Need some help, stranger?

Scorpion: The princess. If you know where she is, you will deliver her to me

(Superman scans Scorpion with x-ray vision and sees no blood or organs)

Superman: You're not from this universe. All the same I'd encourage you to get to safety. For your own well being you'd better come with me-

(Scorpion kicks Superman, setting him on fire and sending him flying into a car)

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