Catch me if you can: The Flash

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Crook: (Casually walking)

(Deathstroke drops down onto the ground)

Crook: Deathstroke! How's it going? Yeah, it's been a while. But hey! I got the money for ya

(Deathstroke draws his sword)

Crook: Wait! Please! I got the money!

(Deathstroke decapitates the crook with his sword)

Deathstroke: You should have paid up sooner. You'd still have a head

(Something zips by Deathstroke)

Deathstroke: Flash? Metropolis isn't your turf

(Deathstroke takes a few swings with his sword, but misses)

Deathstroke: I suggest you head back to keystone city. Before something bad happens

(Flash punches Deathstroke)

Flash: Don't bother getting up, Deathstroke. You're going to jail

Deathstroke: Not without a fight!

(Flash fights Deathstroke and wins with some speed punches)

Flash: Flash to Wonder Woman. I just went three rounds with Deathstroke

Wonder Woman: I'll contact Metropolis PD. I need you in Gotham

Flash: No problem. I'll- AGH!

(Flash's eyes start glowing yellow)

Wonder Woman: Flash, are you ok?

Flash: I'm alright. Just dizzy

Wonder Woman: You've been running from city to city for hours. Forget about Gotham. I'll ask Martian Manhunter or Cyborg

Flash: I'm fine, Diana. I just felt strange for a moment. I'm on my way to Gotham now

(Flash runs to Gotham at super speed)

Cat Woman: Busy night for the bat. And even HE can't be everywhere at once

(Cat Woman steals a talisman)

Cat Woman: What he doesn't know won't hurt him

Flash: No, but it might end up hurting you in the long run. Hand it over, Cat Woman

Cat Woman: Sorry, red, no can do. I'm protecting it

(Cat Woman backflips off of the ledge, but Flash zips down)

Flash: I can never figure you out. One minute you're a hero, and the next you're a criminal

Cat Woman: I'm a complicated woman

Flash: You know what? I don't feel like chasing you anymore

Cat Woman: And I don't have time to explain myself

Flash: We don't have to fight

Cat Woman: Oh, but I want to

(Flash fights Cat Woman and wins with a tornado summoned by spinning his hands)

(The talisman falls onto the street)

Cat Woman: This is why I don't play nice with you hero types

(Kano grabs the talisman)

Kano: This oughta fetch a tidy sum

Flash: Alright, what's your deal- AGH!

(Flash grabs his head as his eyes glow yellow)

Kano: You don't look so good, mate

Cat Woman: I'll take that

(Cat Woman snatches the talisman out of Kano's hand)

Kano: Hey!

(Something zips past Cat Woman, and the talisman is gone)

Kabal: Blink and you'll miss me

Cat Woman: That was mine!

(Kabal and Cat Woman start fighting, but Kabal easily counters her with his speed)

Kabal: Fine. You want it? Take it!

(Kabal puts the talisman into Cat Woman's suit and kicks her back)

(Cat Woman starts to stumble back but she accidentally goes through a portal)

Flash: Hand over the gem

Kabal: Back off, freak. She took it

Flash: So you helped her escape!

(Flash starts fighting Kabal, but neither of them can get an advantage)

Kano: I don't like your attitude. You need to be taught some manners!

Kabal: What should we do?

Kano: Eh. Go. I've got this

(Kabal shrugs and zips away)

(Kano shoots some eye lasers, but Flash dodges them effortlessly)

Kano: Heh. You'd give Kabal a run for his money

Flash: My turn

(Flash fights Kano and wins with a lightning throw)

(Flash grips Kano by the throat as Batman glides down)

Batman: Who is that man, and what are you doing in Gotham?

Flash: Batman, this freak tried to kill me!
Now I'm gonna return the favor!

Batman: No you're not. It's clear something's wrong with you. The Flash I know doesn't kill

Flash: He does now!

(Flash throws Kano to the side)

Flash: ARGH!

(Flash fights Batman and wins with a running kick)

Flash: I thought you were a master of hand to hand combat!

(Batman takes out his taser and zaps Flash, making him fall unconscious)

Batman: I am

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