I'm surrounded by morons: Lex Luthor

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Lex Luthor: Batman is so infuriating

Cat Woman: Tell me about it. By the way, Lex, I'm nobody's bodyguard. Certainly not yours

Lex Luthor: Of course not. You know the enemy base and how to override their defenses. Once I've taken what I need, I'll rally the so called "heroes" to handle Dark Khan for me

Cat Woman: Lex, we've got company

(Sub Zero and Scorpion appear)

Sub Zero: More intruders!

Scorpion: Their souls are forfeit

(Sub Zero freezes Cat Woman and Lex Luthor's legs to the ground)

Cat Woman: Our souls are forfeit? Is that ninja humor?

(Lex Luthor's eyes glow yellow)

Lex Luthor: We don't have time for this stupidity!

(Lex Luthor punches the ice, freeing himself and Cat Woman)

(Cat Woman and Scorpion start fighting in the background)

Sub Zero: FIGHT!

(Lex Luthor fights Sub Zero and wins with an uppercut)

Lex Luthor: One down

(Scorpion teleports behind Lex Luthor)

Cat Woman: Behind you!

(Scorpion is about to punch Lex Luthor, but his fist gets grabbed and he gets thrown back)

Lex Luthor: You'll have to do better than that

(Lex Luthor fights Scorpion and wins with a hit from his wrist rockets)

Cat Woman: Thanks for the help. For a moment there I didn't know what side you were on

Lex Luthor: Story of my life. Lets go

(Later, at the portal)

Lex Luthor: Here it is. Just imagine what I could accomplish with the ability to travel anywhere instantly. I'm going to download their schematics

Cat Woman: While you do that, I'm going to do some recon

Stryker: Stop right there!

(Cat Woman and Stryker start fighting in the background)

(Lex Luthor pulls out a device and starts the download)

Lex Luthor: Amazing. It's more advanced than I thought. This is Luthor. I'm transfering the portal technology to the Lexcorp servers. With this, I'll rebuild Lexcorp. Nothing will stop me

Jax: Except for me

Lex Luthor: Jax

Jax: I thought I locked you up. You may have escaped once, but it won't happen again

Lex Luthor: I've been admiring your portal technology. It's going to prove most useful to me

Jax: Over my dead body

Lex Luthor: If you insist

(Lex Luthor fights Jax and wins with a punch combo)

Lex Luthor: Your cybernetic arms intrigue me. Fascinating muscular teramulation. Perhaps I'll take them with me

(Stryker and Cat Woman are on the ground)

Flash: LUTHOR!

Lex Luthor: Flash? What have you done to Cat Woman?

Flash: Isn't it obvious? She's a criminal, just like you

Lex Lithor: You're out of the loop, red. We're all on the same side

Flash: Shut up, Luthor! I'm taking you down!

(Lex Luthor fights Flash and wins with a hit from his flame jets)

(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Joker, Deathstroke, Deadshot, and Shazam show up)

Superman: We got your hail, Luthor. Now lets end this now. Get us to apokalypse

Batman: Here's your pet clown

Joker: Ouch. Someone please, kill him for me

(Joker puts a hand on Deathstroke's shoulder)

Deathstroke: Back off!

(Joker steps back in fear)

Batman: Joker and Flash are infected. We can't trust them

Superman: We've all been infected, Batman. It's a risk we have to take

Flash: Not to worry, Batman. My fight with Luthor purged me of my... "kombat rage" or whatever you call it

Wonder Woman: Gentlemen. If you're done wasting time, we've got a job to do. Open the portal, Luthor. Take us to apokalypse

Joker: Yay! We're all going to hell!

Cat Woman: And if you're not a good boy, we'll leave you there

(Everyone goes through the portal)

Wonder Woman: Great Hera

Deadshot: What the hell happened here?

Superman: Something is definitely wrong here

Joker: I like it

Lex Luthor: Of course YOU would

Batman: This is what's in store for earth if we don't stop Dark Khan. Grinding two universes together will eventually rip them both apart

(The mortal kombat characters come through a portal on the other island)

Lex Luthor: A portal! Dark Khan must know we're here! And he must have sent his forces to stop us!

Green Lantern: Fine with me. Lets take em out!

Batman: Wait. They may not be aligned with Dark Khan

(Shazam's eyes glow yellow)

Shazam: Who cares? They tried to kill me!

Superman: Let me talk to them

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