Set it All Free (pt.1)

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A/N: Hi everyone! I bring you guys a high school au two-part storyline! This first part is a non-song one-shot. Meaning, this is only a straight storyline with no song to follow or lyrics like my past one-shots! In this story, Adora starts off with a boyfriend, but it will all make sense towards the middle of this story! I hope you guys enjoy it, and let me know what you think of it! Thank you for reading and enjoy!

"Adora! Come on! You're going to be late!" Adora's mother, Marlena, pushed down the lever on the toaster.

"I'm coming, mom!" Adora put down her makeup brush. She got up from her vanity and smoothed out her skirt.

Adora was dressed in her school uniform that consists of a plaid skirt, a white button-up shirt, a crimson red tie, and a grey blazer. Underneath her skirt, she wore solid black pants to ensure her safety when she rides with Catra on her motorcycle. Her hair in a high ponytail with a small hair poof in the front. Lastly, to tie the whole outfit together, stud diamond earrings.

The blonde sighed, "Another day, another skirt" she shook her head and slipped on her plain black flats. She grabbed her phone and her backpack as she rushed out of her room. She ran down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, "Morning mama," she kissed her mother's cheek.

"Morning, sweetie. I see you chose to wear a skirt today, and I must say, you look beautiful, honey. But the pants, what's going on with that?" Marlena chuckled and smiled.

Adora laughed, "Remember? Catra's picking me up on her motorcycle today, so I have to wear pants under my skirt. Don't worry. I will take them off at school."

"I thought Eric was picking you up?"

"Just because he's my boyfriend, doesn't mean he's always going to pick me up" She took a piece of toasted bagel from her mother's plate. She took a bite and giggled.

Marlena gasped, "You know, I just made you some" she chuckled as she handed the blonde a napkin.

Adora laughed softly, "But it's not as fun as stealing it off your plate" she took the napkin.
"Catra! Come on! You're going to be late!", Catra's aunt, Sandra, called out for the feline.

"Coming mom!," Catra sighed as she put on her leather jacket. She looked in the mirror and admired herself. was dressed in her school uniform that consists of a white button-up shirt, crimson red tie, and the same colored red pants. "Well, at least she will like my hair," she ran her fingers through her long, loose, brown hair. She grabbed her backpack and ran down the stairs. "Morning, Aunt Sandra," she said towards the lady.

"Well, someone looks nice today," Sandra said as she looked up from her newspaper. "Are you planning to have breakfast this morning?" she sipped her coffee.

Catra shook her head and put an apple in her backpack, "Can't. I'm picking up Adora today."

Sandra chuckled, "Oh right...Adora," she winked.

"Seriously?" Catra groaned as she crossed her arms.

Sandra chuckled, "I'm sorry! My baby niece has her first crush, and it happens to be her childhood best friend!" she giggled.

Catra sighed and grabbed her helmet. "Aunt Sandra, we have been over this! I don't know if she likes girls besides she's dating Eric." she said while playing with her helmet's straps.

"That doesn't mean I can't root for you two" Sandra shrugged and got up.

Catra blushed and shook her head, "Bye, Auntie, love you" she kissed the lady's cheek and rushed out the front door. "Can't believe she still teases me about liking Adora," she said as she walked over to her motorcycle. She clipped on her helmet. She turned her bike on and drove off to the blonde's house.
Adora looked at the door as she heard the feline's motorcycle coming down the street. "Oh, Catra's here," she kissed her mom's cheek, "Bye, mama," she grabbed her helmet and rushed out the front door.

"Well, look at you, Princess. In your pretty skirt," Catra said as she pulled up to the blonde's driveway and parked.

Adora rolled her eyes and clipped on her helmet, "Well, good morning to you too," she said as she sat down behind the feline. "No comments on my clothing, please" she wrapped her arms around the feline's waist.

Catra blushed a bright red, "Whatever you say" she picked up her brake. "Hold on tight" she backed up off the driveway and rode down the street to school.
Catra pulled up to the high school's parking lot and parked in front of the school. "Here we are," she said as she took off her helmet.

"Thanks for letting me ride with you today. Adora unwrapped her arms from the feline's waist and hopped off the bike.

The feline chuckled, "You're welcome. What are best friends for?" She cringed to herself at the last part of her sentence.

The blonde laughed softly, "You're right about that," she said as she unclipped her helmet. "Oh, before we go meet up with Glimmer and Bow, can we stop by the bathroom so I can take these pants off?"

Catra nodded and smiled, "Of course, now come on, we don't want to be late!" she took the blonde's hand and ran towards the doors of the high school.

"Ah! Wait! Cat! I'm gonna fall!" Adora shouted as she followed after the feline.

The principal, Ms. Angella, stopped them, "Good morning, girls," she smiled.

Adora smiled, "Good morning, Ms. Angella" she held the feline's hand tightly.

Ms. Angella chuckled, "Sorry for stopping you. I just wanted to make sure that you were still singing in the talent show tonight". She looked down at the blonde.

Adora chuckled and nodded, "Yes, ma'am, I am. Eric and I had our final practice yesterday, and we couldn't be even more ready than we are"

"Understandable," Ms. Angella laughed softly. She turned to the feline, "Good morning to you too, Catra. Nice to see that you are following the dress code today."

Catra chuckled nervously, "Yes, I am, ma'am" she cleared her throat.

Ms. Angella laughed softly and moved to the side, "Run along now, I'm sure you are eager to meet your friends" she smiled.

They both nodded and smiled.

"Have a good day!" The blonde said as they rushed through the doors of the school.

"Okay, so, where are we meeting your friends again?" Catra chuckled as she let go of the blonde's hand.

She handed her helmet to the feline, "In the cafeteria," she looked at her. "How about you go put our helmets in our lockers while I go change in the bathroom? From there, we can meet each other at the entrance of the cafeteria."

Catra laughed, "See you later" she patted her back and rushed off to their lockers.

Adora sighed as she watched the feline run off. Her heart fluttering with excitement. She gripped onto her backpack strap, "You know you can't think about her like that, Adora..." she mumbled to herself. "But, she just makes it hard.." she shook her head and walked off to the bathroom.————————————————————
Catra looked at her watch as she waited in front of the cafeteria. "Where is she?" She crossed her arms.

Adora rushed over to Catra and panted. "I'm sorry! I was running over, and I kinda slipped and fell"

Catra chuckled and smiled. She blushed as she got a better look at the blonde's outfit for the day. She couldn't help but think of kissing her right there, running her hands under the blonde's skirt, pinning her against the wall, and caressing her hand on Adora's thigh.

"Earth to Catra? Are you okay?" The blonde waved her hand in front of the feline's face.

The feline snapped back to reality, "What? Oh, I'm sorry. Something caught my attention," she chuckled nervously. "Um, ready to head inside?" She opened the door to the cafeteria.

Adora chuckled and nodded, "Yes, I am" she giggled and walked inside.

"Oh, I can't believe that just happened," Catra mumbled to herself. Adora smiled as she saw her friends, "Glimmer! Bow!" She rushed over.

Glimmer turned around and smiled, "Hey girl!" She giggled as they hugged.

"Well, look at you, you look amazing!" Bow smiled.

The blonde chuckled and smiled, "Thanks, I thought I would dress up nicely today" she gave them a little twirl.

Glimmer laughed softly and looked at Catra, "Morning, Catra!" She smiled more. "You look just as amazing!"

"Thanks, but I'm not going to twirl for you," Catra snorted. She laughed, "Where's your boyfriend, Adora?"

A boy around the squad's age, with hazel hair, green eyes, fair peachy skin, and built/buff came up behind the feline. Adora's boyfriend, Eric, "Well, right behind you." he crossed his arms.

Catra jumped and looked behind her, "How the hell did I not hear you?"

"Well, would you look at that? The cat couldn't hear me" Eric laughed.

The blonde sighed, "Babe, I thought you said you're going to stop being mean to Catra." She walked over to the boy.

"Not my fault she makes it so easy" Eric looked at his girlfriend.

Catra hissed, "You're just lucky that you're dating my best friend. If you weren't, you wouldn't have that pretty face of yours intact" she crossed her arms.

Eric smirked, "Oh yeah? How about you show me what you can do?" he got closer to her.

"Oh, I will gladly show you," the feline said as she brought up her fist to him.

Adora got in between them, "The both of you stop it! Why must you fight every time you guys are around each other?" 

Catra looked at the blonde, "All I have to do is just exist near him, and that is enough for him to get fired up!" she exclaimed. "I have tried so hard for months to hold back, Adora. But I'm done," she backed up.

"What are you talking about?" Adora looked at her as she tried to grab the feline's hand.

Catra took a deep breath and pulled her hand away, "I just... need a moment. I'll see you in class" she shook her head and walked off without saying another word.

The blonde sighed and shook her head, "Hey, Bow? Glimmer? How about you go ahead without me? I want to talk to Eric...alone" she looked at her friends.

"Yeah, of course, we will see you at lunch." Glimmer said as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand. "We will see you at lunch," she said as she walked off next to Bow.

Adora turned and looked at Eric, "What is going on with you? Why must you fight with Catra every time you're around her? Does that give you some sort of validation or something?"

"It's not my fault! She's the one that starts it sometimes!" he exclaimed. "She has been out to get me since the start of this relationship, and that's not fair."

The blonde shook her head, "But that doesn't give you the right to treat her the way you treat her sometimes. She's my best friend, and you know that. I just want you both to get along." Eric groaned, "I know that! But, god, Adora. I swear you only protect her when it comes to this. It's like you're in love with her and not me."

Adora, taken aback, "I-I" she shook her head. She took a deep breath and looked at her, "She's my best friend, of course, I love her, and I will protect her fiercely" she grabbed his hands. "But, I just want the both of you to get along. Can you please try that for me?"

Eric scoffed and pulled his hands away, "She's the problem here. She is the one that's getting in the way. In between us. But honestly, I wish I didn't have to do this, but I have to do this." He looked at her. "You are going to have to choose... Catra or me."

The girl gasped, "Eric, that's not f-fair," she sniffled. "How are you going to make me cho-," she was cut off but the boy kissing her lips.

Eric pulled away and looked at her, "You can and you will" he shook his head. "You can make your choice, her or me. You can tell me after school" he walked away.

Adora watched the tallboy walk away and sighed, "But what if I am in love with her..." she hugged herself.
Adora noticed the feline walking to her next class and rushed up to her, "Hey," she smiled.

Catra looked at her, "Oh, hey Adora" she hugged her books close to her chest. "What can I help you with?"

Adora looked at her, "I wanted to check in on you after the disagreement you and Eric had," she bit her lip.

Catra scoffed and shook her head, "Disagreement is an understatement" she looked at her. "Why do you stay with that loser? You can do so much better than him" she kept walking forward.

"I guess... I just want to give him a shot. He's in almost every club I am in, and he's a good first boyfriend" The blonde shrugged.

The feline huffed and kept walking, "Well, maybe you should have picked a better boyfriend, someone that would respect me" she walked past Adora.

"Catra!" Adora noticed and rushed up to her. She grabbed her wrist and turned to face her, "Please talk to me about this! Eric just gave me this choice between you and him, and-"

Catra's eyes widen, "And you were actually thinking about it?" she pulled her arm away as she teared up. "I would have assumed that you would've automatically picked me..."

"Wait. That's not how I wanted it to come out." The blonde grabbed her hand once again but only for it to be pulled away once again.

The feline backed up and shook her head, "Well, why don't I just make it easy for you and just walk away. Have fun with your little boyfriend" she let a tear fall as she ran off.

Adora shook her head, "No..." her arm froze in place, where Catra pulled her arm away. She finally brought her arm down as she heard the bell ring.
Adora sighed as she sat at her lunch table with her best friends but couldn't help but miss the feline next to her. She shook her head and tried to relax by eating her sandwich.

Glimmer noticed the blonde's mood, "Hey, so Adora, did you get to see the pictures from the party last Saturday! You missed an amazing one!" she chuckled.

Adora chuckled, "That's not what I heard. I heard people were hooking up with people left and right, and there was a lot of drinking and games." she looked towards the doors. She noticed the feline and gave her a soft smile.

The feline ignored her and walked off to her other friend's table. She got comfortable next to her friends, Entrapta and Scorpia.

The blonde sighed and bit her sandwich, "Anyways, Double Trouble sent me some pics last night, but I hadn't had the chance to look at them."

"Well, look at them now! DT usually takes the best photos when it comes to parties!" Bow chuckled.

The blonde chuckled and nodded, "You're right about that" she reached into her backpack and pulled out her phone. She opened her phone and went straight to her messages. She opened the photo folder and smiled as she saw some of the beginning photos. People singing karaoke, people dancing with each other, people playing beer pong.

"What kind of photos did they send you!" Glimmer chuckled.

Adora chuckled, "It just of people dancing, singing, playing games" she smiled. She kept scrolling through the photos and gasped softly at the last couple of photos. She got up from her chair as she felt her heart race. It was her boyfriend grinding and dancing with one of her classmates, Savannah. It was not only dancing. It was her sitting on his lap, her talking in his ear, them making out on the couch, and finally, Eric leading them out of the party scene and up the stairs of the household.

"I-I'll be right back" She teared up and ran out of the lunchroom, leading her stuff behind.

Glimmer got up and tried to follow her, but Bow stopped her.

Bow looked towards her, "Maybe we should give her some space. The last time we chased her, she didn't even bother talking to us."

Glimmer nodded and took a deep breath. She started to pack up some of the blonde's things and threw her lunch away.

Catra watched everything unravel, Adora getting up from her chair, a shocked look on her face. Her running out of the lunchroom without looking back. She couldn't help but get up. She looked at her friends, "I will see you guys later" she grabbed her bag and ran out of the lunchroom. She may have been mad at the girl because of their disagreement earlier, but hell if she was going to leave her alone when she needed someone most.
Catra pushed open the door to the rooftop and relaxed as she saw the blonde standing near the school's rooftop garden. "Adora? Are you okay?" she slowly walked up to the blonde.

Adora sniffled and nodded. She quickly wiped the tears that were falling down her face before turning around to face the feline, "Yeah, I'm okay," she said with a soft smile.

"Adora! Why are you crying? Did something happen to you?" The feline rushed over. She looked at her with concern on her face. "Who do I need to beat up?" she asked to try and cheer her best friend up.

"Have a look for yourself. DT took them at a party from last weekend," the blonde shook her head and looked down to her phone in her hands. She handed it to her.

Catra took the blonde's phone and gasped as she saw what had unsettled Adora. She looked through the pictures of Eric cheating on Adora with their classmate, Savannah. "That bastard" she looked at the blonde. "Adora, I'm so sorry. You do not deserve any of this. You don't have to shed tears for him. I am going to teach that asshole a lesson" she handed Adora her phone back.

"No, don't" Adora stopped her by grabbing onto one of the feline's arms.

"Why shouldn't I! He hurt you, and I vowed to you a long time ago that if he ever hurt you, I would take care of him myself," Catra looked at her. She saw her tear up again. "He is making you cry, Adora."

The girl shook her head as she wiped some of her tears, "I'm not crying because he cheated on me. Well, I mean it's the majority of the reason, but these are also tears of joy." she let go of the feline's arm.

The feline looked at her, in shock, "Joy? What do you mean, joy?" 

Adora looked away and bit her lip, "Cat, I need to tell you something. But please try to understand me..." she could hear her heart beating louder in her chest. She started to breathe a bit heavier.

"You know that you can tell me anything," Catra assured her.

The blonde nodded and took another deep breath, "I always knew a part of me had some sort of feelings for girls. But I didn't know how I felt about dating boys. So when Eric asked me out, I thought I could try it out with him. But after a while, I didn't feel anything for him. Or for boys... p-period" she hugged herself.

Catra looked at her, stunned at the blonde's admission, "Adora... are you saying what I think you are saying?"

Adora turned around and faced her, "I only see myself getting married to a girl, having a family with a girl, growing old with a girl.." she let a tear fall. "Catra... I'm g-gay."

The feline gasped, "B-but you have been dating Eric for three months. When did you realize?"

"After our two month anniversary," the girl rubbed her arm.

Catra nodded and took a minute to process what the girl said. She took a step forward, "Why did you hide it?" she looked up at the blonde.

"Because... I'm scared of what people will think about me when I come out. I'm student body president, cheerleading captain, Color guard captain, and more. I'm afraid. I'm afraid people will look at me differently, or they are going to be treating me differently. I'm still Adora. Just not the version people want me to be," Adora looked at her with sad eyes. She looked back down.

The feline chuckled, "Of course, you're still Adora" she walked up to her and grabbed her hands. "I don't see you anymore different than I did this morning. You are still the most beautiful , the smartest, and most wonderful girl I have ever met and had in my life. You are still the girl that likes to drink slushies instead of soda at a movie theater, you are still the girl who loves to dance when no one is watching, and most importantly, you are still my best friend. You may not be perfect, but that is what sets you apart" she smiled.

"Thank you," Adora chuckled and pulled the feline into a tight hug.

Catra laughed, "Anytime," she held onto her blonde best friend. "I love you, you big dummy."

The blonde laughed and snorted a bit, "I love you too."

Catra rested her head on the blonde's shoulder, "I'm sorry for storming out on you,"

Adora's heart skipped a bit at their current position. She smiled and gave her a tight squeeze, "Don't worry about it. I never meant to have doubts about you. I was doubting it all because I was afraid to come out. But, with you, I'm not going to be afraid."

Catra chuckled and smiled, "I'm here for whatever you need."

"Thanks," the blonde smiled.

"What are you going to do about Eric? Aren't you singing with him at the talent show today?"

Adora groaned, "You're right..." she rubbed the feline's back.

"Wait. What if we use that time to our advantage?" Catra suggested as she picked up her head. "Do you want to get back at him?"

"Yes. Why? What are you suggesting?" she raised an eyebrow. 

"A public breakup" The feline took ahold of the blonde's hand and rushed them back into the school.

Let me know what you think!

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