Chapter 18

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The next three days go by fast. I was quickly falling into a routine. I'd wake up go to work, come home, eat, shower, and call Marcellus before going to sleep. I know once he got here some of that would change.

Him and Zyair caught three of the five rogue vampires already. He said they were having a little trouble with the last two and was starting to think they weren't even there in the City anymore. He assured me they'd give it another day or two and then he'd come here.

I was on my way home from work when I noticed a vampire following me. My apartment wasn't crazy far from my job but I hadn't had time to buy a car yet. Taking out my phone I call Marcellus.

"You're having vampires watch over me? You could have at least told me about it first Marcellus." I tell him, feeling a little irritated.

"What? There are vampires following you Cora?" He asks sharply.

I pause at his tone and glance behind me. The vampire a few yards away from me paused too then started walking again. I picked up my pace a little. Dread filling my stomach.

"He's not a friend of yours?" Panic was seeping into my voice. I pick up my pace even more now. I was almost to the main street where people would be.

"Are you in a public place Cora?"

"Not yet. Almost." I tell him breathlessly from the fear coursing through my veins. I was in shape. I could run for a few miles before I got breathless from it.

"Hurry. He might not do anything with other people around to witness it." He urges me.

My feet hit the main street but before I could feel any kind of relief I'm jerked back into the deserted alley. I left out a high pitch scream. I groan when my back is slammed again a brick wall. My phone slipped out of my hand.

"Cora!" I hear Marcellus yell through the phone. The vampire glances at it then ignores it and focuses on me. He gives me a sadistic smile.

"You are Marc's bride. She told me I could find you here. She wasn't sure where exactly though. She only knew it was in San Antonio. What better revenge than to take Marc's human bride for the deaths of my brothers?" His had blood red eyes that were scarier than his words.

"Who is she?" I didn't really expect an answer so I was surprised when he actually gave me one.

"Starla, of course. She said to capture you and bring you to her and after she was done with you she promised to give you to me."

There was no way in hell I was just going to lay over and let him take me. I didn't think I really had a chance against a vampire but I sure as hell was going to try.

I bring my knee hard up against his groin causing him to hiss out as he grabs his crotch. While he's bent over I grab the back of his head and bring in down onto my knee. I hear a crunch and blood sprays on my pants. He lets out a pain filled scream as he falls forward onto his hands and knees.

I scoop my phone off the floor and make a run for the street again. This time when he grabs me he throws me against the wall building. My groan of pain is louder this time. I can hear Marcellus yelling through the phone but I can't make out what he's saying.

I reach up and feel the back of my head. When I pull my hand away my hand is covered in blood.

The vampire grabs me by the hair as I try to stand up. I scream again from the pain in my head. I throw my elbow back, connecting it with his jaw. I was satisfied when I heard the snap but his grip stayed in my hair.

He jerks me to my feet. I struggle in his grip when he wraps an arm around my neck. I claw at his arm but he doesn't loosen it. I soon fall into unconsciousness.

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