Chapter 23

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Marcellus goes to attack the guy but I quickly place myself in front of him and bare my fangs at him. I crouch in defense. Ready to attack if he so much as step closer to us. I feel a masculine hand touch my shoulder with a reassuring squeeze.

"Babygirl, as sexy as it is that you'd so willingly defend me, I dont need you too. I can handle myself." My mate tells me with amusement.

I straighten out of my protective stance but don't move from my spot in front of him. My eyes stay trained on Marcellus. He's looking at me with hurt, confusion, and disbelief.

"What do you mean he's yours Cora?" He demands.

"He's my mate." I tell him matter of factly. I was a little confused on how this man behind me was my mate but I didn't let it show on my face.

What did that leave Marcellus to me? Nothing? That seemed fitting. He made me feel like nothing. Made me feel selfconscious and unimportant. Made me doubt myself and my worth. No Marcellus wasn't mine anymore. A mate didn't bring you down. They lift you up.

"He can't be. I'm your fucking mate." He growls at me with anger in his eyes.

"You're wrong. She's mine." The man states behind me. He wraps his arms possessively around me pulling me into his chest. I lean back against him as I watch Loretta inch closer and closer to Marcellus. He was hers now. She could fucking keep him.

"She can't be. She's my bride already." Marcellus growls aggressively taking a step forward. I bare my fangs at him again, hissing just as aggressively as he did.

"Actually she can be. When she was your bride she was human. She is no longer human though, Marc. He could very well be her mate especially with how protective she is acting towards him. I'd say he definitely is." Zyair says as he comes to stand between us.

"I did read a book with something like this happening, dated back in the early 1400's when vampire females were common. There was a human woman who was bride to a vampire until she was turned. Their bond broke. They were planning to rebound themselves together until she found her true mate." Zyair continues to tell us.

I'm stunned I knew nothing about this. Nothing about vampires. Yet here I am. A vampire now. I have so much to learn.

"Cora, I'm not going to allow Marc to hurt, Ash. Why don't you take your cereal and go sit down and eat? Please." He adds the please when I stubbornly don't move.

"Babygirl, it's alright. I told you I can protect myself." The guy who's name I now know as Ash tells me with the same amusement in his voice. "Come on, I'll come and sit with you if it'll make you feel better."

I go and sit down at the kitchen island. Ash sits on my left and Harper sits at my right. Collette and Adan were leaning against the counter across from Harper.

Loretta follows Marcellus and Zyair over. Zyair leans over the counter next to Ash. Marcellus and Loretta lean against the kitchen counter instead of the island we were all surrounding. That was just fine by me.

I bite into my cereal. I was a bit disappointed when it was satisfying to me in the least. I continued to eat it though because I was still so weak.

Ash places a hand on my thigh and gently squeezes. I have to bite back a moan. The electricity shocks spread throughout my body. Warming me up and setting me on fire. It also gave me comfort and reassurance. Two things I sorely lack the last month or so.

I look at him with a smile. "I'm Cora by the way." He smiles back at me.

"I know who you are baby girl. If you didn't catch it from Zyair earlier my name is Ashton but everyone calls me Ash. I was sent here by the elders to escort you to them." He tells me softly.

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