Chapter 20

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(Cora's POV)

I wake up to blackness. I try to move and start to panic when I feel myself in a tight closed space. I take a deep breath and smell wood and earth. Did I get buried alive? I'm going to suffocate in here, I think with dread and fear.

In a panic I start clawing my way out. I am so lost in my panic I don't realize how easy it is for me to shred the wood around me. Or the ease of digging myself out of the dirt.

I gasp air into my lungs as soon as my nose and mouth reach the surface. That fucking bastard really buried me alive?

Fully out of the ground now I glance around. I was somewhere in a field. I don't know how but I knew the sun had just gone down. I squint my eyes at the stars. They were truly beautiful. I could see them better than I ever could before.

As I glance around again I realize I could see everything better than I could before. Everything was clearer and more vivid.

I stand up on shakey legs. I turn in a full circle. I tilt my head as all kinds of scents hit my nose. Maybe it was my close call with death that made all my senses hypersensitive. I reach out for the bond between Marcellus and I. It was completely gone.

Reaching out with my senses I get a sense of the direction he is in. I take off at a slow pace. Allowing my senses to guide me to him.

I smile in anticipation. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen him but I couldn't wait. I felt giddy and excited. I just hope he's as happy to see me as I am him.

I'm a bit worried about our bond not being there anymore but decided not to stress it too much. I'm sure Marcellus will know how to fix it.

After I get my strength back we could look for Zane together. I wanted revenge on him and Starla. I pick up my pace. I feel like I've been wandering the woods for hours now but I don't really think it was that long.

As I near a house I slow down my pace. I glance down at myself. I was filthy from head to toe. I try shaking the dirt out of my hair and clothes with no luck. I try brushing it off my skin but that doesn't seem to work either.

I sigh. I was hopelessly dirty and there was nothing I could do about it until I find a shower. I wish he wouldn't have to see me like this though.

Reaching out with my senses again I sense him in the house along with Harper and Zyair. There was someone else in there too but I couldn't tell who it was.

I walk the rest of the way towards the house and slowly make my way up the front steps. I stop when I reach the door. I hesitate for a second wondering if I should knock or just walk in.

I end up knocking because I wasn't sure whose house this is.

Is it his house? I ask myself. I knew he was in here but I didn't really know if he owned this house. Shrugging to myself I wait for someone to answer the door but I get frustrated and impatient when it seemed no one was coming to answer it.

I shove the door open and it slams against the wall. I try to take a step inside only to be blocked by some kind of barrier. My anger starts to build. Why couldn't I enter the house?

"Marcellus!" I yell out. The anger in my voice clear as day.

Before I can blink they're all in front of me. Their expressions are full of shock and disbelief. Harper's mouth is even hanging open.

"What the fuck? You seriously put a barrier up so I can't enter the house?" I ask glaring at Harper.

I'm suddenly in Marcellus's arms. He holds me tightly for a few seconds before he pulls away to cup my face in his hands. His face is full of wonder, disbelief, shame, and I think I caught sight of regret.

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