Chapter 24

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He laughs at my question. "Neither. After you eat we'll be on our way to meet the elders." He tells me.

"You aren't eating?"

"My hunger isn't for food yet babygirl. It might take a few more days for it to awaken inside of me."

I step away from him and he grabs my hand and laces our fingers together again as the others finally join us.

To my great displeasure Marcellus and Loretta did come too. We all walk inside together. We got a secluded table big enough to fit the eight of us.

Sense Connor was still a newborn baby he didn't need a seat. We took turns holding him. Especially so Collette and Adan could eat and be a part of our conversations too. Plus I wanted as much time with my baby nephew as I could get.

Harper was going to have her baby in a week or so. I was so excited for them. They were having a boy as well but couldn't agree on a name yet. Hopefully they figured it out by the time he's born.

Ezra and Esme had their babies the same night about 3 hours apart. Ezra had a baby girl. Her name is Esmeralda, she named her after her twin. Esme had a baby boy and named him Avian. Three minutes later she pushed out another boy. Shocked the hell out of everyone. No one knew she was having twins. She named her second baby boy Antoine.

Sariah had her son yesterday. His name is Hayden. She named him after her brother who died a couple years ago. Alina is due anyday now. She's also having a boy. Ezra is the only one who had a daughter.

The more I held Connor the more I wanted a baby of my own. Which I now knew was possible thanks to Ash.

I had so much I wanted to talk to Ash about. I was looking forward to getting to know him better. Both mentally and physically.

I was staring down at Connor lost in my thoughts. I look up to catch Ash staring at me. I give him a shy smile. He was staring at me with an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

"What?" I ask him when he just continues to stare at me without saying anything.

"Nothing." He says softly shaking his head. I lift my eyebrow in question. His face said it was definitely something. I didn't know him well enough yet to push him to talk to me about it.

I stand up and walk over to Collette. "I guess you can have your son back now." She laughs at me as she takes him back.

"Sorry to interrupt. I'm Landon. Your waitress Lisa had to leave so I'll be taking over for her." The waiter says from behind me.

I turn to look at him and got uncomfortable with how close he was.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" He asks me. I didn't miss the double meaning. Neither did anyone else. I feel Ash come up to the side of me. I lean into him as he wraps an arm possessively around my shoulders.

"She's all set bro. If you could get us the bill we'd appreciate it." There was no anger in his eyes. No jealousy or anything aggressive. I smile softly up at him. He glances down at me and returns my smile.

I've never dealt with a guy like him before. Every guy I've dated, even Marcellus got angry and aggressive when another male hit on me. Ash is possessive but not aggressive about it. His confidence about himself was sexy as fuck.

"Ready to go?" I ask Ash. He nods his head yes.

Even though he asked for the bill he doesn't wait for it. Just throws a few hundreds on the table. Grabbing my hand he starts to lead me towards the exit.

"Wait! My takeout food." I tell him. I almost forgot the food I had ordered to take to go. He redirects us to the male waiter who took over for our original waitress. Intercepting him on his way back to the table.

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