Chapter 7

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So...I hope this chapter is...better

Still on Alexander Pov

I grab my coat and smile at Aaron. He was fixing his raincoat, it's the little things about people that make you smile. Like how he can't get the damn button to fit in. 

"Lemme help," I insisted as I fixed his collar. He smiled and kissed my forehead before I go for the door. Suddenly, we hear the pounding again. NOT now...PLEASE not now... 

"Don't worry...I promise he won't hurt you." I nodded my head and squeezed his hand. The pounding stopped as James bursted into the house, his eyes bloody...HE HAS A GUN. I felt tears slipping down my face as I held on to Aaron's arm. 

"ALEXANDER..." James hisses as he moves towards me. I flinch but Aaron stands in my way, his eyes glaring boldly at him. "Get away from him." He says warningly, his grasp around my hand carefully tightening. I saw rage in James' eyes as he took the back of the gun and smacked Aaron as he fell to the floor. I gasp looking at Aaron, his jaw was bleeding and his eyes were filled with fury. "ALEXANDER...YOU UNGRATEFUL, CHEATING, BASTARD!!" I stared at him, I didn't cower. 

"N-no...I'M NOT!! YOU'RE THE BASTARD!! YOU THINK IT'S OKAY TO MAKE PEOPLE LIVE IN HELL!! YOU ENJOY SEEING PEOPLE IN PAIN!!" I scream back. Aaron looked up and smiled at me, they looked mournful? James screamed as he took out the gun and pointed it to my chest, I move backward slowly, petrified with fear. "YOU...YOU WILL NEVER...NEVER LIVE AGAIN..." I continue to move back, unaware of what to do, his finger is on the trigger. My time is up. It's over. I'm going to die. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- 

As soon as I close my eyes, I hear

"WAIT!!!!" And a gunshot. 2 gunshots? I open my eyes and see James shot in the chest. I breath out--until I see Aaron. 

Aaron Pov

NO!! HE'S GOING TO SHOOT ALEX!! I grab the gun from the drawer nearby, I feel memories flashing as I run towards him. we're on the couch, watching different movies on Netflix and Alexander is laughing. We're in the bedroom, Alex is fast asleep in my arms and he couldn't sleep from before, so I talked to him about life. I'm crying, my sister Sarah passed recently. Alex is holding me. He's hugging me. he was always there for me. I wish I had more time. But I swore to my angel, I would never let anything hurt him. I love you, Alex. 


Alexander Pov

"AARON!!!" I fell to my knees at the sight of Aaron's bloodied body. the bullet lodged itself between his ribs, and blood splutters from his mouth. I can't think I can't think I can't think!! HE'S DYING!!

"'s-s okay-y..." His eyes are as bright as the first time I saw them at the bench. The hazel glinting with tears and light. I reached for his phone and called the authorities, the ambulance had to get here soon. they had to. 

"p-please...stay a-alive...I-I can't-t live w-without you..." I sob out, I can't do this. I can't watch him die. I can't. 

He gasped for air and the pain seemed to be stinging him as I heard a small whimper. I grabbed him, holding him close to me. "...nev-ver s-stop fighting-g..." I couldn't process anything, it was just too much. I can't lose Aaron...I can't. "no...n-no strong-g...l-like you a-always a- are...pleas-se...please..." He smiled up at me weakly, my breathing is escelating and everything just feels frozen. I'm a curse. I'm a curse. I'm a curse. This is all my fault. 

"I-I...L-love you-u...t-till death-th do us-s part..." With one last smile, one last glimmer of his eyes, one last statement, as quick as love came...he fell limp in my very arms. I screamed into the darkness, holding my love as he left me.  

Lmk if you want an update or not

Hamburr ~Stop Caring ~Where stories live. Discover now