Chapter 11 - Gossip Folk

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"That party was epic. Where were you?" Chase asks as we are walking towards the school Monday morning. I haven't talked to him all weekend, but this morning he was in the front of my house ready to drive me to school.

"I wasn't feeling well. Gil and I had the flu," I lie.

Chase doesn't look convinced, but I could give a rat's ass if he does or not. I know I look sick, seeing that I haven't fed since Friday. My eyes are sunken and even my hair feels dull. It doesn't just look it; it feels it. We head towards the quad to meet up with his friends but he stops me. "What?" I ask annoyed.

"You know that guy? He looks like he's waiting for you," he says pointing towards the school.

I look over and Gabriel is standing outside the chapel. This is complete crap. He's not supposed to come near me. Cotton and Slade are already inside too. How did they miss him? I head towards him with Chase by my side. I'm absolutely pissed now. Going up to him like this is probably suicidal, but I don't care, but at least now I have some color in my face.

"How do you not light on fire every time you step on this campus?" he asks.

"I'm Nephilim. I am part angel, you know," I retort.

"Not a good one. Who's this guy? He buy you, too?"

"What of it?" Chase asks bucking up, trying to look like a threat but not really pulling it off. If he were any other guy our age, it probably would have worked but it's hard to intimidate an archangel. I put a hand to his chest. There's no way he can take out Gabriel, though it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he did.

Gabriel smiles at Chase's puffed up chest. "Calm down, human," he tells him. Then, he turns to me and asks, "Is there no one who cannot buy you?"

"Yeah," I reply. "You."

That pisses him off. "Watch how you speak to me, Abomination. Your next words could be your last."

"Then, do something already, damn it. I'm right here," I yell getting in his face.

Goading Gabriel isn't my best plan, I'll admit, but I'm so mad I don't care. I just want to make him as mad as he's made me. Hey, eye for an eye is in the bible, right? "Watch yourself, Abomination. I will come for you soon," he threatens.

"You know where to find me, Gabe," I say softly, but I know he can hear me. I watch him walk off stiffly and I know that look in his eyes. It wasn't anger. It was hunger. Well, he can't have me.

"You screw that guy too?" Chase asks loudly. I can feel his anger rolling off of him like tidal waves.

I roll my eyes. This is so not the place for this. Everyone is watching us. My brothers are on the edges of the buildings, his teammates are not ten feet away, and he's yelling his jealousy loud enough for the entire city to hear. "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, trying to walk towards school.

He stops me with a hard yank to my arm. "I know you've been with Rand and that big ass dude you were hanging with after the party Friday," he yells.

Looking over at Randall, I see him duck his head. He doesn't want the world to know he paid for sex with me. So, instead, I fight fire with fire. "It's not like you haven't been in that trash's pants all weekend," I fire back pointing at the cheerleader who is standing about 20 yards away with a wicked smile on her face.

He reddens with anger. "Leave her out of it." His voice is quivering with pent up frustration. I know if this goes badly, my complexion will pay for it. His hands are shaking at his sides.

"What? You can cheat on me but I can't cheat on you? That hardly seems fair."

"You are mine, Rosaline. Mine, and no one else's," he says through clenched teeth. He grabs my arms and gets in my face. "Do I need to remind you that I bought you with a very hefty price tag?"

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