Daddy Mew

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Gulf stretched, reaching his arms towards the sky and gave a deep breath. He then threw the magazine he had been reading at his lover and laughed. "If you think they don't know you're wrong!"

Mew didn't even glance at the magazine. "Does it matter? People will think whatever they want anyways." Instead he looked at Gulf's eyes and smiled softly. "Does it bother you?"

Gulf shook his head, no. "I find it funny. They throw these words around, skin ship, fan service as if they are in our shoes. They don't have any idea what it's like..."

Mew held out his arms and Gulf crawled into his safe haven and snuggled. Mew looked at the beautiful man falling asleep in his arms and thought, "No, you don't know what it's like. How hard it really is." He stroked his silky hair and lulled him into a deeper sleep and smiled. His protective instincts had been roused from the first kiss...

So much had happened since they had auditioned. He remembered when Director Tee and Mame had introduced Gulf. He had to hide how much his heart beat, but he couldn't hide the instant attraction they had during the table reads or when they practiced kissing scenes for the director. Mame was delighted.

She had found her "Tharn" and "Type".

Only the gods knew how badly he had tried to keep a distance between them, but this kid was like lint, he clung to Mew. And before Mew knew it, he clung back. He was just as bad on set, falling asleep on him, or curled up in his arms, not just holding the brat. Pictures were everywhere of the two of them cuddling.

Mew was back in the gossip game and worried. He really didn't care about himself.

The only important thing in his life was this man. He re-invented himself once, he could do it again. He was a man, but Gulf, he saw things differently. He still had enthusiasm and joy in the world. Mew had to protect him.

In his sleep, Gulf smiled and turned, hugging Mew's waist tightly. Mew shifted as his body responded, and he needed a better, more comfortable place. Never did he think of waking his baby up, instead, he continued to stroke his hair, allowing him to sleep.

Unnoticed, Director Tee yanked Mild from the large studio windows and sighed. "Can't you ever give the two of them any peace? More than half of those damn stories come from your damn posts each day!"

Mild grinned, "Look at them. I mean, really look at them. If they're not together, I'll eat my damn shirt!" He turned to the director and sighed. "I think I'm jealous. Mew's fucking gorgeous and Gulf's not far behind. What have I got going for me? I'm tired of always being single."

The director gave him a tap on the top of his head. "Don't give me that! I see you going out on dates all the time, young man! You like your single life too much to ever settle down." He pulled Mild along behind him and he followed reluctantly. "Now, here on the set, you leave those two alone until the shoot is finished. Got that?"

Mild nodded reluctantly. His Instagram followers wouldn't be happy about the ban... pictures of him were boorinnng!

Gulf stretched an hour later when Mew dropped a kiss on his forehead. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead. We missed lunch. Again."

"Arggh. I'm hungry." Gulf groaned.

Mew pointed at two lunch boxes. "I called for two meals. We've got about 10 minutes to eat and then it's back to work." Gulf grinned at him.

"I feel guilty that it was only me who slept today. How come no one bothered us today?" Gulf asked as he snatched at one of the boxes and started to eat.

"Mild tried, but the director noticed and wouldn't let him enter." Mew started eating the other as he shook feeling back into his legs. "It was quite funny. I think Mild's gonna attack us later, though."

"Oh... okay, thanks for the heads up." Gulf wasn't quite sure how to handle the older man. Mew was always so composed, even around reporters and fans. It was rare to see him flustered. One day, Gulf wanted to see him raw, with all his emotions exposed... 

Mild glared at the couple as they came on set. "You're lucky!" He teased them. "I had some nice shots of you but the director made me delete them and he made me promise no more pictures of you on IG." He sighed dramatically! "There goes MY social life! I don't see why you can have one and I can't." He sank to the floor and pretended to cry.

Mew hit the top of Mild's head. He knew he was going for the laugh but he wasn't amused at being used as the source. "Go find someone else as your target, Mild. Or I'll find you a really sweet sugar daddy who will be very happy to date you."

Mild, being straight as a highway in the desert, took Mew's threat seriously. "Hey, you know I have nothing against LGBTQ but I don't swing that way, right?" 

Gulf laughed loud, "What difference does that make? When you find the right person, you can swing any way you want. The body is immaterial." He looked at Mew like he was dessert and he couldn't wait to eat him all up. "It's all just different flavours of drinks, you know. Until you've tried all of them, you don't know what suits your tastes best."

Mew laughed hard at the look of horror on Mild's face. He wasn't used to having the table turned on him. "Who cares about sexual orientation in this day and age, Mild? Aren't you working in BL for money? If I find you a sugar daddy then there's no need to work anymore, is there?"

Mild blushed and turned, but before leaving, "I'll leave you two alone, but you do realize it's not just me posting on the net? You can't stop them all because you two make a darn cute couple." He ran a few steps and stopped. He sighed and continued, "To be honest, I don't care if you are, or aren't together, but for the love of all gods, tone it down in public. The way you act with each other tells everyone you are a couple already."

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