Growing Pains

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Gulf's smile seemed brighter this morning. Director Tee glanced at Mew. He, on the other hand, looked worried. The director sighed. Whatever happened last night between them was going to show up on film. He felt it in his soul. Clapping his hands together, he yelled, "Let's start! Mew, Gulf take your places!" Scripts fell and there were a flurry of people running into places.

The morning shoot was a hard one. Well, for Mew, at least. It felt like he had kissed Gulf a thousand times over today. Now he had a taste of the forbidden fruit, controlling his desires to take it further was hard for him. The director told him to have a glow of "Love" in his eyes, that in seven years, the "Lust" the couple felt had faded. Mew thought that was pure crap. Love and lust were one in the same.

If you honestly loved someone, then a true kiss with them would instantly have you lusting for them. He left the set to go to the bathroom. In there, he punched the wall. In reality, he hadn't been this frustrated by himself in years.

He sighed as he opened the door and Gulf pushed him back into the bathroom and locked the door. "Mine." He hissed, kissing Mew. Mew didn't resist. Their lips were already swollen from the hundreds of kisses they'd performed for the camera. He sighed as Gulf wormed his hands under his black t-shirt to find his hard nubs and rubbed.

Mew pulled Gulf's hips close and ground against him. Breaking the kiss, he muttered, "I've been hard for 4 damn hours. Thank god for tight jeans. But if you don't give me some space, I'm going to explode soon."

This was everything Gulf wanted from Mew! Teasing, testing, he slid his hands down the smooth expanse to the button of those tight jeans and flicked it open. He stared directly into Mew's eyes, "Stop me."

Mew stood there, like a animal at night caught in the glare of headlights. He waited to see what Gulf would do. The smile on Gulf's face was crooked but endearing, as he continued to undo his jeans. Zzziiiippp! He exposed black tight briefs and the tip of his hardness poking up.

Mew's gaze once again became hooded. The tip of his tongue peeked out.

Gulf hooked his two thumbs into the waistband and briefs and tugged them down together carefully. He sighed at the sight exposed before him. As Mew admitted, he was fully excited. Gulf now looked up and a twinkle appeared. He stripped off his pants.

"There's something I'm curious about." He said, stroking his semi-hardness. "Do you remember that scene shower scene in TharnType?" Mew nodded. "I think we can pull that off here. We just need these." He reached into his pocket and pulled out two condoms and set them on top of the tank.

Taking one big stride to rub his bare member next to Mew's, he whispered, "Or would you rather come in my mouth?" Mew groaned and reached out his hand to grab his cock and squeezed gently.

"No, I'd rather lay you on that damn bed in the hellish set and fuck you until the whole damn crew knows your mine!" Mew stroked faster, now with both cocks. Gulf's eyes were closed and his cheeks red. "But I'm a possessive bastard, Gulf, you should know that by now! I won't share what's mine!"

Mew couldn't help himself! He bent his head and gave Gulf his first love mark on the collar bone. Normally, it would never be seen, but they weren't a normal couple and they weren't doing a normal show either...

Several weeks later they held their first press conference / fan meet with the director and cast of the new series. Mew had progressively become more possessive. He wasn't even holding himself back anymore. Gulf felt like the tips of his ears were permanently red. 

Last week they attended a store opening and reporters flocked around them. One reporter, with a twinkle in her eye, had asked, "Mew, what's your favorite food?"

Mew, feeling saucy, "Chocolate, I like sweet, dark food."

That same reporter challenged, "Then do you also like to eat Gulf?"

Mew shook his head but reached out and swiped Gulf to his side, "No, No, Gulf is not food. You can't eat Gulf!" He laughed pleasantly. Gulf blushed. Mew escorted them swiftly into the new store.

Gulf sighed and in the privacy of the alcove rested his head momentarily on Mew's shoulder. "All because some damn staff member posted a picture with a "mosquito bite"!"

Mew rubbed his lower back. "I did warn you that this would happen."

"Stop it! Don't do that because you can't make me leave you!" Gulf stomped into the party alone. He was tired of Mew pulling this shit every time he whined. He had a right to be pissed about people invading his privacy every fucking day!

Gulf sighed as he rubbed Mew's thigh under the table for strength. Another invasion of their privacy was about to happen. He could feel it in his soul. Steeling himself mentally as the flood of people entered the space he took a glance at Mew. Mew was only looking at him.

Unnoticed by either of them, Director Tee sighed. His stars were going to be slaughtered today in the press! Mame caught his eye and gave a huge smile. She also caught the change in their real relationship. Unlike the director, she was very happy for Mew. She knew how hard he worked and felt he deserved some happiness.

The reporters poured in and so did the fans. Mew sighed. There was that damn female reporter who had followed him around for the last four years. When would she leave him alone? He gave a quick survey of the venue. Hmm, not bad, around 25 reporters and 250 fans. This was odd... for once, there was almost an equal number of male fans to female?

Who had the male fans?

The director and Mame were smarter this time. They had decided NOT to go with a free for all questioning from the reporters. Each reporter was allowed 2 questions and 1 follow up. They also drew a number. They could only direct their question to that number. If they asked a person other than their number, they lost their opportunity to be invited to any further press conferences.

This was a press conference Mew felt relaxed at. He handled it like the pro he was. Gulf had a few mistakes, but then, he still was a rookie. Mild took some shots at the new couple but almost everyone missed them, except that damn female reporter. Mew saw her eyes narrow and she glared at him. 

He gave a dazzling smile back. If she had his number, let her attack! It came her turn and she asked Gulf directly, "Are you in a relationship with your co-star, Mew? Do you like when he kisses you?" Gulf's face flamed red. His hand clenched Mew's thigh. Mew stayed silent and locked eyes with the bitch.

Mame stood up and pointed to the door! "Get out! Boylove is a fantasy world created for enjoyment and pleasure. WE don't care about personal lives or destroying people. WE don't care about sexual orientation! WE support everyone. WE DON'T LIKE YOU!"

All the fans stood up and cheered for Mame. They booed and hissed the reporter. She yelled back, "Don't tell me you don't want to know?" The weight of the crowd pushed her out of the venue. The doors slammed behind her. She stamped her feet in frustration. "I'll confirm it somehow! I know you're a couple!" She screamed to the sky!

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