Is It Just Fan Service? Really?

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Mame laughed at Tee as he slammed the tablet down on the table. "Shit! As fast as I catch them, another damn staff member posts personal pictures of them! Just look at the way Mew looks at Gulf!" He pushed the tablet at her and slumped in his seat. "I've got a massive headache!"

"You won't be able to stop them, Tee." Mame said gently. "This is gold to the fans. I mean, I'm elated that they're together. It's what every true fan wants."

Mew slammed in the office. Anger radiated off him in waves. For once, Gulf was no where to be seen. His manager followed, "Mew, it's not their problem. Please, don't!' He pleaded.

Mew ignored him and slammed a postcard down on the conference table. "Read it, Director! This! This is why I haven't wanted to participate in any more of your fan meets or do that damn fan service!" He paced back and forth as the director slowly read the card with dawning horror.

"This... This can't be real?" Tee gulped. "Have you called the authorities? The police?"

"And tell them what? I'm being blackmailed? By who? For what? I'm fucking gay, Tee! I only want to protect Gulf, I don't care if they attack me or my damn career again, I'll survive. I'm good at it." The fight left Mew and he sat in the nearest chair. "Gulf's a baby, he can't do it yet."

Mame looked at the three men and in desperation, raised her gentle voice, "What is going on? Someone tell me? Now!" Tee looked at her in shock and slid the postcard to her.

Mame sighed and closed her eyes to think better. Who had the nerve to blackmail her babies? How dare they? She was going to find whoever they were and tear them to pieces!

The crew member adjusted the lights and stood back. He carefully took what he thought was a great picture of the happy couple and thought of how much his bank account had grown in the past month. It wasn't hurting anything, and Mew and Gulf's popularity had skyrocketed because of these pictures.

It was a win-win situation for everyone, wasn't it?

Later that evening, in the usual coffee shop, the female reporter slid the envelope across with the money as he transferred the two new pictures from the day. "Excellent!" She hissed happily. This wasn't conclusive proof yet but it was getting closer. "Look, if you can get me proof they are a definite couple, like a sound recording or umm, more personal pictures, I'll pay four times what is in that envelope."

The crew member thought about it all night and decided, he couldn't do it... but he could give her Mew's address. For a very high price and then he was done with the reporter for good. The problem was the reporter never saw it that way. Once you sold your soul, you were bought forever.

Mame and Director Tee were the ones who reported the blackmail scheme on Mew. They all decided Gulf was better off not knowing. Perhaps that was a mistake, but Mew knew he didn't feel safe with the death threat in the third postcard. 

They also left Mew out of a very big part of their plan. The police had an idea... and although the Director was reluctant, Mame gave it the green light. Operation Fan Service was going down in a week. 

Mew was frustrated. This was NOT the time for a press conference with Gulf. He had argued and argued with his manager, Mame and the Director. The police were adamant. This must be announced to the public. Mew gritted his teeth. He knew Gulf was going to be very hurt and angry at finding out in public.

Gulf wondered why Mew was so upset. He now knew all of his lover's moods. He had been acting odd for the past couple of weeks but kept insisting he was "fine", "okay" and "alright". If he was a woman, he would have been running for his life. Those were key words that every lover trembled in fear to hear. Gulf drummed his fingers on the table and stared at the venue. It was the same one that damn female reported challenged him to admit his love in.

Mew covered his hand, stilling his fingers. He leaned over and whispered, "You need your acting skills today, Love. Put on a perfectly blank face. No matter what you hear, do not react. Once we're in private..." Mew paused and gave his hand a tight squeeze. "Once we're alone, anything goes." He shared a look with the director and nodded.

The scene was set. On the stage there was a podium and a table. Director Tee, Mew, Gulf and Mame sat at the table as the reporters and VIP fans were ushered in. Only Gulf was not aware that the MC for the event was the police and that there was officers mixed in with the fans, as well as the reporters. Even some of the security guards had been replaced with police officers.

The fans stomped their feet and chanted for Mew and Gulf. They had the place rocking. Mame couldn't help but smiling. This was the love she wanted not only for her characters, but the actors that played them. The tension at the table was rising. Gulf clenched his fingers in Mew's thigh, a bad habit he had when he was nervous. He was very nervous right now because of Mew's whispered instructions.

The police entered the stage and took to the podium. It was an older office, female and dressed in full uniform. A complete hush immediately fell over the venue. In a clear, light tone, her voice rang over the crowd, "Good afternoon. We are here to address a serious issue." She paused and surveyed the crowd. Person or Persons unknown are sending threats of a serious nature to the cast of the popular series TharnType."

She waited as two of her colleagues came and stood on each end of the stage, obviously guarding the director, writer and main cast members. "We believe that this person has become mentally unstable. He or she is unable to distinguish between reality and fiction any longer. They have chosen to believe that the fan service offered by the company is reality."

The female reporter, although she had been banned, had managed to sneak in to this important event. She had believed that Mew and Gulf would announce their relationship goals. How dare they say she was unbalanced! She knew Mew was gay! She knew him, she had followed him for years, in fact, you could even say she loved him in her own way. He was her livelihood!

She was angry now. Those weren't real threats. She just wanted Mew to seek comfort from Gulf! How dare he go to the damn police! How dare he! She pushed to the front of the crowd and screamed out, "Is it really just fan service? Really? I know you're lying, Mew! I know you!" She slapped a hand over her mouth in horror. Damn it, she fucked up. Big time! Why did she speak up? 

Hands grabbed her arms and she didn't resist. It was over anyways... 

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