Reunited and It Feels Good! Gulp!

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Mew patted the wallet for courage and walked into the dressing room. Gulf never opened his eyes, just his mouth. "Please, I'm not feeling well. Just come and get me when I'm due in front of the camera."

Mew smiled and closed the door. Then on silent feet he walked over to Gulf and kissed him. Gently at first, then taking it deeper. Gulf couldn't stop his body from responding. He wanted it too badly, he missed it too much. As Mew licked and sucked his bottom lip, he drew a moan from the man in his arms. 

Gulf trembled from the waves of desire flooding his body from a mere kiss. Mere kiss? His mouth parted and his tongue met Mew's, tip to tip, gliding over each other. Why did he always fall this way? His body tingled and felt alive. He couldn't stop his hands, no, he didn't stop his hands.

It was Mew's turn to moan as Gulf found bare flesh, sliding his hands under his shirt, under the little space between his pants. Mew pulled him to stand so they were now pressed close together, thigh, hip, chest and lips. 

Mew sighed against his lips. "Ahhh, You don't know how much I want to fuck you right now." Gulf trembled against him as the desired flowed through his body. His head dropped to Mew's shoulder, he couldn't look him in the eye.

Mew moved his hands and cupped his face gently, lifting it. Gulf closed his eyes tightly. He wouldn't show his love, he wouldn't. It was bad enough his body was betraying him. He heard the heavy pounding of his blood in his ears.

"Gulf," Mew's voice was gentle, calm. "You're not going anywhere. I won't let you vanish."

Vanish? VANISH? Gulf's breathing hitched. How did... 

"Thank you for the letter." Mew continued, dropping a light kiss on his lips. Gulf kept his eyes tightly closed. He wanted to die. He felt his skin flush. He wanted to scream. He wanted to kiss Mew. He wanted to feel warm flesh. He didn't know what he wanted anymore, so he stood, frozen, scared.

Mew, thankful that Gulf seemed to still be listening, continued, "I'm sorry. I never lied to you, not directly. The company told me I couldn't tell you about the blackmail/death threats. I wanted too." His hands had a life of their own, as they caressed the sides of his face and neck. 

Gulf fought back the moans creeping up, threatening to escape. He didn't know he sounded like a deranged kitten, mewling. 

Mew looked carefully at the redden man, with swollen lips, closed eyes and felt a wave of love and lust. "I never stopped caring, never stopped loving you." He dropped another kiss. "I never stopped wanting you. As you are, as you will be. If you will have me, as I am."

Gulf trembled even more at the confession. Mew's words hung in the air, surrounding them. He was sparse with words of love, preferring to tease or use other ways to show affection. Gulf didn't know how to handle this direct declaration. 

Carefully, Gulf opened his eyes and looked at Mew. He only saw openness and honesty looking back with something else hidden there. He put his hands and tried to put space between them. "You're still hiding something from me."

Mew dropped his eyelids, his gaze now hooded. He gave up. He tried to hide the lust. Fuck it. Whatever shoot they had today, Tee would have to reschedule. Mew hoped the room was soundproofed or everyone would know that they were indeed screwing each other. He strode to the door and clicked the lock. 

Gulf's jaw dropped. He backed up at the look on Mew's face. He'd never seen him look so wolf-like. Mew stripped off his shirt. He undid his pants and stripped off his briefs with them. Naked, he stopped in front of Gulf and held his erect member. "Am I hiding anything now?" 

His heart beat in triple time as he stared at the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He licked his lips, his throat felt dry. Why was it so damn hot in here? He tried and tried, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Mew, who stood waiting for Gulf to decide. God, where did he get such confidence?

Mew wasn't confident. He was so scared that Gulf had been hurt too much. He only prayed that because he'd never truly confessed... He took a step forward and still showed him. Showed how much he needed him. Only, right now, the only thing he could show was physical need. He had to wait for Gulf to accept his words and actions together. God, this was hard. 

He wanted to claim him, take away the doubt, the fear in his eyes. 

Time slowed down as they stared at each other. Gulf felt like a puppet, not in control but he didn't care. He missed Mew. He missed him so much. With his wide eyes, he looked him up and down and his heart thumped. His breath hitched. 

Mew didn't miss anything. Gulf had to actually do anything. He only looked. Carefully, gently, "Gulf?" 

He snapped. Or rather, his control snapped. He closed the gap and kissed Mew. Cloth against slid against skin, and Gulf's hand replaced Mew's. Mew's moan's spurred the younger man on... harder, deeper, he drove his tongue into his mouth. He slid his hand in half circles up and down, repeatedly, feeling the wetness. It was powerful to know he could do this... they did this to each other. 

He could not deny he wanted Mew, then again he never had. 

He dropped his hand and turned away. Mew, thinking he was leaving him, swung him to face the door and slid his pants down. He smiled at the sight. "God, I love you, Gulf. You're sweet like chocolate." As he kissed, he pressed their hardness together. 

Cat like noises were coming from Gulf. Mew's lips once again found his sweet trail down his body. Nips, kisses, and bites decorated his collarbone, chest and belly. Mew finally looked satisfied. He raised his head and gently whispered, "Tell me what to do?"

Gulf slid down the door. Mew never asked, he just did. Gulf raised his eyes and stared into Mew's. "I want you." He paused and reached up his arms. "I love you, too"

This was all Mew needed. He swept Gulf into his arms, crushing him to his body, his lips closed hungrily. Everything else faded for hours as they cumulated their love. 

Gulf stretched, "I'm hungry." 

Mew smiled gently. "We missed hours of work." He tapped Gulf's nose gently. "And we weren't exactly quiet. Do you want to stay here and I'll bring something back for you?"

Gulf shook his head. "No, we did the deed. I think I can handle whatever comes our way."

Mew's eyes twinkled. "I hope you're right, Kitten."

"Kitten?? What's with the Kitten?" Gulf's nose wrinkled. 

Mew bent down, close to his ear. He was positive that there was at least four people eavesdropping right now. "I love how you sound like a tiny kitten when I suck right here." He tapped on his collarbone, where a deep bruise was growing. Gulf blushed.

They dressed and opened the door. No one was there but at the end of the hall was a table set for two, romantically. Mew smiled. He owed Director Tee a nice thank you card. Of course, this was Tee's apology. 

Gulf looked at Mew in puzzlement. Mew shook his head and lead him to the table and held out the chair. "My love." Gulf sat. He noticed the tape player and looked at Mew. Mew shrugged and nodded. The air filled with the sounds of a very old English song... 

Reunited, and it feels so good
Reunited 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited...

Surrounded by a mix of old and new love songs, Mew and Gulf ate lunch. Occasionally, they heard someone chase yet another person trying to spy, which caused them to giggle. 

Gulf smiled at Mew. He now knew that, with Mew's love, he could do anything!

 He now knew that, with Mew's love, he could do anything!

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